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Report - - Selma Plantation Mansion, Leesburg VA, USA March 2015 | European and International Sites |

Report - Selma Plantation Mansion, Leesburg VA, USA March 2015


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Hi again, I guess!

I didn't know whether I'd ever be present on this forum again, after certain 'disagreements' a few years back. But recently after a pure chance conversation with Ojay on Facebook one thing led to another and here we are. Life is too short to be caught up in aggro and politics, we all are out there to explore and share experiences and whatnot. With this current generation of video camera noobs who seem hellbent on screwing up everything the community should stand for, those who have been in the game a while like myself need to pull together.

So I hope to bring you some different stuff, a lot has happened in the five years I was absent. Don't worry though I won't fill up the entire forum with five years worth of posts, just a handful of my most favourite and memorable explores that I've been on in that time - time spent exploring both here in the UK as well as (currently) six exploring trips to the USA which, if I'm honest, is where I see myself permanently in the future.

I thought I'd start with one place that completely captured my heart as soon as I saw it. I don't often find a location that I fall in love with but this was one of those rare occasions where it pained me to leave.

The Selma Plantation House in Leesburg, Virginia was constructed in 1902 on the site of the original Selma mansion which burned to the ground in the late 1890s. In 1976 the estate was bought and used as a hotel/wedding venue, but after passing through a number of other owners the mansion eventually fell into dereliction in 1999. A year after my visit, in March 2016, the house was bought by a couple who have undertaken a massive restoration project and have almost finished turning it into their family home. I've followed their progress on Facebook over the last year or so and the transformation is absolutely incredible.















Thanks for looking, and it's good to be back :)


Exploring with Bob
28DL Full Member
Awesome - not that I was around back in the day, but glad to see that some of those who were are starting to return and share some of their adventures :thumb


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I've alwaaaays wanted to live in an old Plantation house, they'e so beautiful!

That round shower rail is amazing!


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Wow that's gorgeous - like horizontally stretched Georgian - suppose it must be Colonial Revival or something. Staircase and architraves to die for!



Staff member
I didn't know whether I'd ever be present on this forum again, after certain 'disagreements' a few years back. But recently after a pure chance conversation with Ojay on Facebook one thing led to another and here we are. Life is too short to be caught up in aggro and politics, we all are out there to explore and share experiences and whatnot. With this current generation of video camera noobs who seem hellbent on screwing up everything the community should stand for, those who have been in the game a while like myself need to pull together.​

Spot on mate, and bollocks to these wannabe's and wankers! Good to see everyone starting to pull back together, hopefully the work me @Oxygen Thief do in re-vamping the forum (SOON) will make it easier to use than it currently is...

Look forward to seeing more stuff from the backlog mate, and anyone else for that matter :thumb


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Cheers guys, it's nice to know I've been welcomed back with open arms.

This mansion really grabbed me as soon as I saw it, not many people managed to get in either as the only way was to leg it up the driveway in front of the new soulless mini mansions that had been built on the old estate and the residents were usually very quick to call the police on people. I think the freezing cold snowy weather kept them away from their windows on this day luckily.

I've got loads of American stuff I want to post up but I don't want to flood this part of the forum too quickly aha.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Great report! What a fantastic building!! Welcome back as well mate, cant wait to see more from your US trips ;)


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I can certainly see why you fell in love with that place, it's absolutely gorgeous! Do you have the link to the facefool page, be interesting to see what the family have done with the place now.

Good to see you back as well :thumb


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Another fantastic report and what a place i bet it looks amazing now...