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Report - - Upper Standard School (Claughton Center) - Dudley - May 22 | Other Sites |

Report - Upper Standard School (Claughton Center) - Dudley - May 22

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Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
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Upper Standard School


May be a bit late to the party on this one, I can scarcely believe this is the same place on @slayaaaa report Report - - Claughton Centre, Dudley - March 2018 | Other Sites
but there u go most places end up this way I guess.


Sir Gilbert Claughton School was a secondary school located on Blowers Green Road in Dudley, England, in the Queen's Cross area of the town. It opened in 1904 and closed in 1990. It opened in 1904 as the Dudley Upper Standard School, but after three years it became the Higher Elementary School. Another name change came in 1929, when it became the Dudley Intermediate School. In December 1957, it adopted the Gilbert Claughton title as the Sir Gilbert Claughton Grammar Technical School.


A new classroom block was added in the late 1950s, mostly for the teaching of Science and other practical subjects. The age range was altered from 11-18 to 12-18 in September 1972 and its status changed to comprehensive in September 1975. However, by the mid-1980s numbers were starting to fall and the sixth form centre had been axed, sparking fears that it would close. In 1985, there was talk of The Dudley School being merged with another local secondary school to form The Ednam School, and Sir Gilbert Claughton was one of the schools mentioned in the proposals for this new school. In 1988, there was talk of the school merging with The Blue Coat School on Kates Hill. However, in October 1988 Dudley council decided to merge the Dudley School with Blue Coat to form Castle High (at the main Dudley School site), which opened in September 1989.



Blue Coat would remain open for a year as an annex for the older pupils. In June 1989, just weeks before the end of the academic year, it was announced that all second year (12- to 13-year-old) and third year (13- to 14-year-old) pupils would be transferred from Sir Gilbert Claughton to Castle High or Holly Hall Schools with effect from September - along with the pupils starting secondary school at that time who had originally selected Sir Gilbert Claughton as their destination. However, the oldest remaining year group at the school would remain there until completing their secondary education in July 1990, when the school finally closed after 86 years. It was then turned into offices by Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council, who designated it as the Claughton Centre.













Thanks For Looking

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
I've found two planning applications. The first for this building was fully approved this year Planning and Building Control
The second is for additional housing nearby which has received outline planning permission Planning and Building Control

There is a big chunk of land there tbh, ideal for housing.

That looks a mess now. I remember the early reports from here. Was so nice. Nicely covered.

Thanks mate its still quite photogenic but has certainly changed.
Very atmospheric images, nicely done
Thanks jane


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nice to see this again mate. It's certainly changed abit since I went in 2019. You have captured what is left really well. Cool report :thumb


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Honestly surprised that huge fire didn't do more damage to it.

This school is my personal favourite one I've done in the UK, that central atrium was something special.

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Honestly surprised that huge fire didn't do more damage to it.

This school is my personal favourite one I've done in the UK, that central atrium was something special.
Yeah true Suprised them roof trusses didn't go.
I think the one up Glasgow is equally as nice myself


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
popped in last night pretty much same condition as these photo's last went 10 months ago had a Security guard stationed outside ,no-one there now can only presume the plans for the place have now changed & security isn't required

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
popped in last night pretty much same condition as these photo's last went 10 months ago had a Security guard stationed outside ,no-one there now can only presume the plans for the place have now changed & security isn't required
Didn't realise they ever had secca on it, shame they didn't stop the fire happening

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