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  1. Dead-Drop

    Report - Red House Care Home, Chesterfield - Dec 2024

    The History: This one was a little hard to track down information on, but it seems to have been built in the 1960s as that's the first time it appears on maps. Interestingly it was labelled "Red House Hostel": Seemingly this building was always intended to house multiple people, but I couldn't...
  2. curiousarchitect

    Report - Crystal Palace National Sports Centre – London – Nov 2023

    This is my first report, I hope you enjoy it and I’m open to feedback. My welcome post seems to have disappeared, but I did post one yesterday. Just as a brief introduction, I’m an architect from Brighton and I’ve been interested in exploring buildings for many years, especially ones of...
  3. Wastelandr

    Report - Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory, Cambridge - December 2020

    So I took a little drive out to splendid Cambridgeshire. After deciding to climb half a radio mast; which takes me an age, we didn't get there until dusk. Nonetheless, it made for some great starry long exposures which I haven't seen too many of online. The explore was very straightforward, but...
  4. C

    Report - Lochgilphead High School, October 2009

    Apologies for the picture quality, but I took these nearly nine-and-a-bit years ago with what was then cutting-edge phone camera technology! - My old high school, just before it was demolished:
  5. C

    Report - Perceton House (1968 extension) council offices, Irvine, Ayrshire. December 2018

    Hey folks, this is my first post on here, tho I've been an UrbEx-er for a good few years ;) Until about 9 years ago this used to be my head office ...drove past it a few weeks back, only to find it in the process of being demolished. Well, I couldn't miss the opportunity to "find" a way in to...