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  1. curiousarchitect

    Report - Crystal Palace National Sports Centre – London – Nov 2023

    This is my first report, I hope you enjoy it and I’m open to feedback. My welcome post seems to have disappeared, but I did post one yesterday. Just as a brief introduction, I’m an architect from Brighton and I’ve been interested in exploring buildings for many years, especially ones of...
  2. Adam X

    Report - Colonial-era buildings of Yangon, Myanmar - November 2016

    Having not posted any reports for yonks, I thought I might chuck up a few of my faves... Myanmar (formerly known as Burma) was a British colony from 1824 until 1948 when it gained independence. It was then run under strict military rule for more than half a century until Htin Kyaw took office...
  3. E

    Report - Stadio Flaminio, Rome, January 2020

    NB: not the best at night photography so sorry for the poor quality At the start of the year I was visiting Rome with some friends to study the architecture of the city and so when we learned of an abandoned Nervi stadium we couldn't pass up the opportunity to check it out. The Stadium...