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ellesmere port

  1. MK83

    Report - Bowaters sack factory - Ellesmere port - February 2024

    There's been a few good reports on this place but everyone has a slightly different take on it so thought we would upload our set. The history has been covered in some depth in the other reports and comments but in summary - The factory opened in 1951, the main factory barrel roof with all of...
  2. GRONK

    Report - Bowaters Sack Factory, Ellesmere Port - October 2023

    October 2023 I visited this one with @stranton whilst on a tour of Staffordshire, Cheshire and the Wirral, this was the first outing with my new camera since I totalled my 70D in a Stockport mill. I can find very little information about this place online, with the most reliable source being...