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  1. Seffy

    Report - Brent Charlie Oil & Gas Platform, Hartlepool - July 2024

    Shell/Esso Brent Charlie Oil Platform, Hartlepool - July 2024 24 hours on a North Sea oil platform.. on land.. in Northeast England Some background information on the platform itself, as well as the North Sea Brent Oil Field where it was situated Diagram of the various pipelines...
  2. Elcamino;)

    Motorway Bridge Infrastructure-Kent (May 2024)

    Hiya! This is just a short one but I thought I'd post a quick report as it's been a while and I don't want to make a report on my favourite spot yet incase security make it harder to visit before I can go back with my mates and take some pictures of the upper levels. So I thought I'd do a report...
  3. T

    Report - Rhydymwyn Military Site

    Rhydymwyn Valley Military Site (Near Mold) After viewing an article online about military tunnels near Mold we decided to take a trip out on a random Sunday. The website is unclear about being open to the piblic however after further research it becomes apparent you can join the society and...