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  1. Wastelandr

    Report - Gdańsk Imperial Shipyard, Poland - July 2023

    Wasn't going to post this but people seem to enjoy seeing these shots so thought I'd make it into something. After asking the question "where we dropping boys?", I found myself on holiday with the lads last summer in Gdańsk. Like every good trip, I managed to drag them round the old Imperial...
  2. LostPlacesForgottenFaces

    Sanatorium Zdrowie - Gdynia, Poland, Nov 19

    Abandoned Sanatorium (Hotel Zdrowie), Gdynia, Poland History ️ What was once a thriving seaside spa hotel located in Gdynia, Poland, this building has been abandoned for over ten years. It was forced to close due to the cliff it had been built on becoming unstable and thererore unsafe. Now...