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  1. curiousarchitect

    Report - Crystal Palace National Sports Centre – London – Nov 2023

    This is my first report, I hope you enjoy it and I’m open to feedback. My welcome post seems to have disappeared, but I did post one yesterday. Just as a brief introduction, I’m an architect from Brighton and I’ve been interested in exploring buildings for many years, especially ones of...
  2. dansgas1000

    Report - Levenshulme Swimming Baths, Manchester - May 2023

    Introduction One from last year on a trip up North with @JakeV50. Something a bit different to the usual stuff we visit and I really enjoyed it. Information & History The baths opened in 1921 and were designed by architect Harry Price. Price was responsible for some well-known landmarks in...
  3. Timpro_

    General - Birnbeck pier

    This pier has a lot of history so I'll try to keep it simple. It opened on the 5th of June 1867. Improvements were made and things like trams, life boat houses and jetty were added. There was a fire in 1897 which damaged the main building. A new pavilion and low water jetty was build a couple of...
  4. A

    Report - Godalming Golf Club

    So I'm relatively new to urbex, but I have explored a few locations around my area and know some details about history, so I thought I would start doing reports of what I know. This was the first explore I did other than a few pillboxes, but it was definitely interesting nether less. The...
  5. WilsonTheHuman

    Report - Bricket Wood Sports Centre - St Albans - January 2019 - Part 2

    Ran out of photo space on the previous report so here are the rest of them including the sports hall where someone has clearly had a lot of fun with paint pots, and some of the outsides of some of the other buildings on the site. The place is huge but it looks like the only accessible place is...
  6. WilsonTheHuman

    Report - Bricket Wood Sports Centre - St Albans - January 2019 Part 1

    First explore of 2019 after a long break from exploring after I changed jobs (again) and ran out of enough spare time to go wandering! This place was quite a treat! Met up with my good friend @Proxy23 and a friend of hers and off we went to this place! Access to the site was much easier than...
  7. Benjames

    Report - Bricket Wood Leisure Centre, Herts

    Went here today for an explore and was good fun. Closed about 8 years ago and currently waiting to be demolished to be turned into houses. There was a few workers there putting up fences but they didn’t bother us.
  8. TrevBish

    Report - Oceade – Brussels - Belgium - October 2018

    Océade was an indoor waterpark in Brussels, Belgium and the largest of its kind in the Brussels Capital Region. Originally part of a 3 park franchise, the other 2 parks located in France, it was the only park to remain in business after the French divisions closed. Running at a loss, the park...
  9. Torch the porch monkey

    Report - Pontins (Hemsby) Nov '17

    Hi all torch here, After my prolonged hiatus ( not that anyone cares :() Regardless, me and my Mötley Crüe headed down to the seaside for a spree of derps ( visited 2 of 7 places:banghead) before i start let me lay down the lore: The history: pontins holiday park hemsby on the norfolk coast...