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  1. Liverpool Urbex

    Report - Everton Library - Liverpool - May 2024

    This ones been on the radar for a while but after seeing a report from @GRONK I thought id finally give it ago, its in pretty bad condition now the water is getting in everywhere and its literally crumbling. I was shocked by the lack of vandalism despite the area it's located. Decent explore and...
  2. GRONK

    Report - Everton Library, Liverpool - May 2024

    May 2024 The Visit I went to this place with @stranton, @Shaun and @sam8327. I've had my eye on it for a while now, ever since my failed attempt a couple of years back. Once inside, we were surrounded by scaffolding and steel supports, the once grand library hall now on the verge of collapse...
  3. Yoshimitsu93

    Report - Selly Oak Hospital & Library, Birmingham - Jan 2020

    Hey, this is our first explore.. go easy on us! Any feedback appreciated! So we decided to check out Selly Oak’s infamous abandoned hospital, (Me and @Narg1992). A lot of this site has been knocked down over time and has now become a thriving housing estate.. which obviously causes some...
  4. LostPlacesForgottenFaces

    Report - Carnegie Library - Shipley, England - March 2020

    CARNEGIE LIBRARY Shipley, England March 2020 HISTORY Carnegie Library, on the corner of Leeds Road and Carr Lane, was built in 1905 after Andrew Carnegie, a world famous industrialist and philanthropist, donated £3,000 through his Carnegie Trust for the opening of a new library...