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  1. MK83

    Report - Warwick Mill - Middleton, Manchester - Jan 2025

    This place has been covered a few times, most recently in a great report by @JakeV50 but we do love an empty mill and it's not far from us so it was worth a look. As stated in the other reports there isn't a lot of history on the place. It was constructed in 1907 by J Stott & Sons and operated...
  2. dansgas1000

    Report - Bailey Mill, Delph - December 2024

    Introduction Another mill me and @JakeV50 visited on our recent trip to the Manchester area. We didn’t know what to expect with this one, as we pinned it years ago and decided to visit it as we were only around 10 minutes away. We were pleasantly surprised by its remaining features despite being...
  3. dansgas1000

    Report - Unity Mill, Woodley - December 2024

    Introduction Myself and @JakeV50 spent a couple of days in the Manchester area looking at some old mills, amongst other stuff. Although relatively successful, the weekend was cut short due to car troubles. I suppose this report is more of an update of a place which has seen much better days...
  4. dansgas1000

    Report - Tonedale Mill, Wellington - October 2024

    Introduction This is one of those large-scale ‘classic’ UK sites that I have always wanted to tick off the list and have always had in the back of my head, a bit like how Fletcher’s and RAE Bedford were for me. The main draw for me was the engine room with the large engines in situ, but was...
  5. dansgas1000

    Report - Robert Fletchers Paper Mill, Greenfield - December 2023

    Introduction The previous challenges of climbing and high security made it seem unlikely for me to ever see Fletcher’s. Fortunately, towards the end of last year, there was a period where security appeared to ease up a bit. Me and @JakeV50 decided to take advantage of this and finally give it a...
  6. dansgas1000

    Report - Gafnan Corn Mill, Anglesey - May 2023

    Introduction This is a place that myself and @V50jake have done before but we wanted to go back and get some better photos as Jake was using his old Canon from the dark ages and I was using my phone so decided to take another look last month on our Wales exploring trip. History & Information...
  7. MK83

    Report - Compstall Mills - Stockport - May 2023

    History Not found much history on this place and it's already been covered twice recently by @mookster and @MotionlessMike so not really much more we can add. Compstall Mills was a cotton mill complex built in the 1820's by George Andrew and stands at the side of Etherow Country Park where the...
  8. dansgas1000

    Report - Three Bridge Mill, Buckinghamshire - May 2023

    Introduction Me and @V50jake decided to head to Buckinghamshire to check this and a few other locations out that we have been wanting to look at for a while. History & Information (from Mooksters report and FB) Three Bridge Mill is a three-story mill with a house attached and was owned by the...
  9. Nyrian

    Report - Springside Paper Mill Complex - Belmont - Jul 2021 & Aug 2022

    History: Originally belonging to John Livesey who had previously run paper mills at Prestolee & Springfield. Paper was made continuously since 1834. At this time rags & textiles were recycled to make paper; wood pulp was not used in papermaking until about 1910 meaning Livesey's enterprise did...
  10. Webbs0710

    Tonedale Mills, Wellington, April/Aug 22

    Another local one for me, knew about it for a long time, even before I got into exploring. Large mills are a rarity down south, so I couldn't not get myself in the biggest in the South West! Would have liked to have done the Tone Works, but short of shimmying across a pipe, there's no way in...
  11. JakeV50

    Report - Hawarden Corn Mill, Deeside : May 2022.

    Hawarden Corn Mill While on the way back from a few days in Wales ,me and @dansgas1000 decided to give this a look, as we are both partial to a good mill! Constructed in 1769 by millwright Charles Howard under instruction from landowner and local politician Sir John Glynne Bart, Hawarden Mill...
  12. dansgas1000

    Report - Elton Mill, Cambridgeshire - January 2022

    Introduction This is a place I had pinned for a while, and for some reason, I assumed it was going to be sealed. I was, however, halfway between home and this location so I thought I'd give it a try, and it was worth it in the end. History Elton Mill is an 18th Century Mill based in a quaint...
  13. JakeV50

    Report - Gafnan Corn Mill, Anglesey : April 2022

    Gafnan Corn Mill Gafnan Corn Mill is a beautiful two storey, grade two listed building nestled on the Welsh coast. Constructed around the early 19th century, its four walls still contain period machinery, all in near immaculate condition. The internal gears are in very good condition, however...
  14. ZenoExplores

    Report - Jubilee mill, newhey

    The jubilee mill was a cotton mill owned by R. Howarth. It isn't the most interesting explore, few bits of history here and there. However there are two old cotton machines, one in the main upstairs room and one in the basement. Next to this basement lies a secret. You will find a small gap in...
  15. MK83

    Report - Penny Rigg Copper Mill and the Tilberthwaite deep level adit - Coniston, Cumbria - March 2022

    History - The Tilberthwaite deep level adit was first driven in 1849 by John Barret to connect with the extensive Tilberthwaite Copper mines, and as well as acting for drainage, to allow the passing of ore from higher levels. At the mouth was constructed the Penny Rigg Copper Mill, which was...
  16. MK83

    Report - Greenfield Mills and Battery Works - Holywell, Flintshire, Wales - January 22

    History - This site comprises the remains of the battery works and below it further down the valley the remains of some cotton mills, the whole site is a scheduled monument. The Battery Works were established in 1776 by the Parys mine company after discovering copper on Parys mountain on...
  17. TalkingMask

    Report - Unity Mill June 2021-2022

    If you’ve ever been the canal in woodley and seen it’s chimney, then you probably know of the mill here. Unity was a spinning mill turned into a chemical works and brewery abandoned in 2003. Some other threads explain it’s history better than me as I can’t find much, so check them out for a...
  18. W

    Report - Dawsons Mill Skelmanthorpe - December 2021

    As I live quite local to this place and now it has the green light for demolition for new houses, we decided it would be a good time to visit. No security or Dogs appeared to be on-site, but was unable to find our way into the main compound due to nosey neighbours, settled for the smaller...
  19. TheBackpackExplorer

    Report - RYLANDS MILL - WIGAN- SEPT 2021

    The History… Rylands Mill has been named as one of the top ten most endangered buildings in the UK, by the Victorian Society. In 1819, Rylands & Sons were established with their seat of operations being in Wigan. From 1847, John Rylands became sole proprietor of the company after the death of...
  20. TheBackpackExplorer


    The History... By the River Douglas, Brock Mill first began operation in the mid-1700s & was purchased by the The Earl of Balcarres including the Foundry half a mile down stream. In 1815 due to poor business the blast furnaces were retired but the company found success in building Fire engines...