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  1. GRONK

    Report - St Joseph's Orphanage/Mount Street Hospital, Preston - February 2023

    February 2023 The Visit Visited over two days with @stranton and @coolboyslim on the first and solo on the second, I wouldn't normally post something up in this condition but who doesn't like a bit of St Joe's? Got to be honest I've been after this one since at least 2014 and have visited the...
  2. P

    Report - St. Joseph’s Orphanage, Preston - May 2022

    07/05/2022 Very surreal experience visiting St. Joseph’s Orphanage. Best get there quick if it’s on your to do list because part of it is being demolished soon. Just a heads up the local youths like to hang out in there and smash things up during the day. The way in is just diagonal from the...
  3. Rammy99

    St. Peter’s orphanage 12/09/19

    Please bare with me this is my first exploration upload on here apologies for the photo quality was about half 1 in the morning and only had my phone when driving past it. This has to be one of the most eerie explores I’ve done granted doing it at half one in the morning probably added more to...
  4. G

    Report - Silverlands Orphanage, Surrey - Sept 19

    Again, this place has been done a few times, and there is plenty of history on other reports. Having seen some of the pictures on 28DL, I knew I had to visit Silverlands. Finding the place was relatively easy, but access was more difficult - getting onto the main drive was OK, but there is CCTV...
  5. RJMmcr

    Report - St Joseph's Orphanage, Preston - June 2019

    St Joseph's Hospital was erected on Mount Street, Preston in 1877 by Mrs Maria Holland for the benefit of the sick poor. It was opened in 1879 and run by the Sisters of Charity of our Lady Mother of Mercy, who also ran St Joseph's Orphanage in Theatre street. In 1884, it opened up two rooms as...
  6. wicksy101

    Report - Silverlands Orphanage - Chertsey - May 2019

    Silverlands was one of my first ever explores a few years back. Earlier this month I thought it was time to go back to see it before the proposed development starts. It was originally built as a private house however was then used as war hospital in the first world war. In 1938 it then became...