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  1. Benjy 28DL

    Report - Pinetops Spa & Shorrocks Hill Country Club, Formby Merseyside - Feb 2025

    Explore - We visited this place during a busy weekend. Situated next to the main entrance for Formby beach we weren’t sure what to expect. Having only seen pictures of the inside we were shocked to find an outdoor pool/jacuzzi. With all of the palm trees it felt like we were abroad or...
  2. curiousarchitect

    Report - Crystal Palace National Sports Centre – London – Nov 2023

    This is my first report, I hope you enjoy it and I’m open to feedback. My welcome post seems to have disappeared, but I did post one yesterday. Just as a brief introduction, I’m an architect from Brighton and I’ve been interested in exploring buildings for many years, especially ones of...
  3. GRONK

    Report - Erdington Public Baths, Birmingham - November 2024

    November 2024 The Visit During a day trip to Birmingham, I visited this place with @MotionlessMike. After much difficulty gaining entry, we discovered a surprisingly well-preserved, beautiful pool hall - despite sitting vacant for years. Though minimal graffiti marked the walls, the pool area...
  4. Ell-Miller98

    Magnet Leisure Centre // Maidenhead // 29-01-22

    I've visited Magnet Leisure Centre a total of three times now. It's clearly a bit of a hotspot now since the last two reports back in late 2021. On all three occasions I bumped into several other explorers (fortunately the friendly, respectful kind). The place is pretty huge and in a varying...
  5. motoguzzi

    Report - Ushaw College & Pool, Durham - March 2020

    Done to death but just had my pics developed and thought it may interest some to see a different take on Ushaw maybe?? Idk I've received positive comments on my previous reports regarding my use of film. By far the most photogenic part of this place is the Pool so thanks to the lads I bumped...
  6. FavouriteWorstNightmare

    Report - Splash Park, Essex, February 2020.

    "A SPLASH park on Canvey has closed with immediate effect after it became too expensive to keep open. Stay and Splash, at the Paddocks, has provided children with decades of fun-packed days in the summer with its paddling pool, sand pit and children’s play equipment. The ageing venue needs...
  7. WilsonTheHuman

    Report - Bricket Wood Sports Centre - St Albans - January 2019 Part 1

    First explore of 2019 after a long break from exploring after I changed jobs (again) and ran out of enough spare time to go wandering! This place was quite a treat! Met up with my good friend @Proxy23 and a friend of hers and off we went to this place! Access to the site was much easier than...
  8. TrevBish

    Report - Oceade – Brussels - Belgium - October 2018

    Océade was an indoor waterpark in Brussels, Belgium and the largest of its kind in the Brussels Capital Region. Originally part of a 3 park franchise, the other 2 parks located in France, it was the only park to remain in business after the French divisions closed. Running at a loss, the park...