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  1. dansgas1000

    Report - RAF Kirton in Lindsey, Lincolnshire - December 2024

    Introduction This was the most anticipated site me and @Wastelandr planned to visit on our exploring trip to Lincolnshire back in December, and it certainly didn’t disappoint. Information & History RAF Kirton in Lindsey originally opened as a Royal Flying Corps base during the first World War...
  2. dansgas1000

    Report - RAF Sculthorpe Bulk Fuel Installation, Norfolk - August 2024

    Introduction I have always seen this small selection of buildings from the main road when visiting Sculthorpe, but stupidly have always disregarded them as empty buildings without taking a look. @Mikeymutt mentioned that he had had a look and discovered that the buildings had some nice pumping...
  3. dansgas1000

    Report - RAF Lindholme Control Tower, South Yorkshire - December 2024

    Introduction One of a few military sites me and @Wastelandr visited on a 3-day trip to the Lincolnshire area recently. The entire weekend was extremely wet and windy due to Storm Darragh. The Art-Deco design of this control tower appealed to us after seeing a recent post on FB. It’s pretty...
  4. GRONK

    Report - RAF Thurleigh Control Tower, Bedford - July 2024

    July 2024 Visited with @Mr Budge and @Tobin, I wasn't quite sure what to anticipate, having only come across a handful of reports from years past. The structure is beginning to exhibit signs of neglect, with multiple rooms, including the control room, showing clear evidence of dampness. In...
  5. GRONK

    Report - RAF Kirton in Lindsey, Lincolnshire - May 2024

    May 2024 The Visit @Mr Budge and I visited on an extremely hot day, and it turned out to be the perfect day for some exploring. We managed to avoid the CCTV cameras and entered the first building. It was clear right away that we had free rein of the entire site, as we slowly made our way...
  6. Webbs0710

    Report - RAF Weston Zoyland, Bridgwater, Dec 22

    This is down the road from me, yet I've never really bothered doing a proper explore until now... was a snowy day again, much like my explore of RAF Culmhead (Here), had a soundtrack of some cars cocking about on the snow for the entire visit. It is mostly open to the public, except for the...
  7. dansgas1000

    Report - RAF RIvenhall, Essex - November 2023

    Introduction Me and @Wastelandr have been saying for a while we would meet up and have a revisit to RAF Rivenhall so a few weekends ago we did this and a couple of other sites. I have only covered small bits of it in the past so it was nice to spend a bit more time there. Information & HIstory...
  8. dansgas1000

    Report - RAF Coltishall, Norfolk - August 2023

    Introduction I’ve been here a couple of times now with @JakeV50 but wanted to return because, like some other places, I have never covered the site with the camera, and wanted to get better shots and coverage of the base. This recent visit was with @JakeV50 and @Wastelandr. Quick Facts & Stats...
  9. dansgas1000

    Report - RAF Sculthorpe, Norfolk - February 2023

    Introduction This report consists of photos from two visits within the space of a few weeks back in February. I had to return to get some externals of the buildings as it started chucking it down with rain and couldn't keep the drops off the lens. The purpose of this report isn't to cover each...
  10. dansgas1000

    Report - RAF West Raynham Airmen's Restaurant, Norfolk - February 2023

    Introduction This was actually a bit of a failure day as I mainly wanted to revisit the Officer's Mess but we tried every single potential access point except for the roof and couldn’t get in, there’s some fairly fresh fencing around the rear of the site and despite climbing it there didn’t seem...
  11. dansgas1000

    Report - RAF Bylaugh Hall, Norfolk - August 2022

    Introduction This is a place I visited back in late 2021/early 2022 after seeing Mikeymutt's report but this was before I started using a proper camera again, so I decided to take a trip back here last summer to re-do it with the camera and cover some more bits. I've been meaning to post this...
  12. KyroRetnik

    Report - RAF North Pickenham - 6/6/23

    Met up with @URBANSKYE to look at two completely different sites. We spent an solid hour or so trying to find an entry point to both these sites before giving up. I then realised that RAF North Pickenham was down the road, well, what was left of it. So, we made our way down there and just seemed...
  13. KyroRetnik

    Report - Titchwell AFV Range/RSPB Titchwell - 26/05/2023

    Now a nature reserve for the RSPB, the Titchwell marshes used to be frequented by a different type of bird... the warplane. Titchwell Marsh was used during WW2 as an AFV range (Armoured Fighting Vehicle). When the tide is low you can catch a peak at the remains of two Covenanter tanks. It is...
  14. KyroRetnik

    Report (Permission Visit) RAF Sculthorpe MoD Police building - 18.04.23

    Afternoon, not sure if this is worthy of a post or not but here goes. Being a local and a regular visitor to the site, I noticed on my last visit that the gate to the police building was open, and that a car was in there. Spoke to the person who was friendly and gave me permission to go and...
  15. KyroRetnik

    Report - RAF Sculthorpe Re-Visit 19/04/22

    This report is a re-visit of a past report. The first one being a copy and paste from Wikipedia because I was at the time, a lazy tit. This report has been written by me, with zero plagiarism. I have used multiple sources and tried to include as much information as possible. Hopefully you all...
  16. DE-eVOLVED

    Report - RAF RIVENHALL - ESSEX - MAY : 2022

    Big Bad Penguin (a mate who's not on 28) and myself decided to do a last minute explore, and found more structures than we had thought we would ... The RAF site, is divided into two with one side repurposed (Polish side) ..and that's taken over largely by quarry works (Northern side)... the...
  17. P

    Video - WW2 RAF Krendi Base Underground Qrendi Malta

    Me and Angelo will explore the Royal Air Force Base / airfield , known as RAF Krendi Airfield, that housed its Operations, Administrative and Signals offices under ground during World War 2 situated in Qrendi Malta. The station was officially inaugurated in 1941 as a diversion airstrip for the...
  18. S

    Report - RAF Church Fenton, Tadcaster - August 2020

    History RAF Church Fenton was a former RAF station located 4.3 miles south east of Tadcaster, near the village of Church Fenton. The station was opened in 1937 and during the Second World War was home to air defence aircraft, a role retained by the station until the 1960s when it became a...
  19. hadalzone

    Report - Llanberis Bomb Store - Dec 2020

    First post! I grew up around derelict military sites so it's fitting that my first report is a dive into Llanberis Bomb Store. History This was an old RAF facility built in 1939 in the location of a disused slate quarry. Its purpose was to store 18,000 tonnes of bombs underground, following a...
  20. when_pigs_fly


    Won't go into too much detail as most of it has been said in the past After seeing reports online of it being on fire twice in the past I was sceptical that there was anything worth seeing left. One of the wings has been reduced to rubble enclosed in walls, but to my surprise most of is still...