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  1. GRONK

    Report - Northbound Tower, Hilton Park Services, M6 - January 2024

    January 2024 The Visit Following my successful visit to Forton Services back in November, I felt the time had come to have another crack at the beauty that is the Hilton Park Tower. Just as I had been doing with Forton, every time I passed the services I would pull in for a quick look at the...
  2. GRONK

    Report - The Pennine Tower, Lancaster Services, M6 - November 2023

    November 2023 The Visit I visited this one with Mrs Gronk en route to the Lakes for a mini-getaway, for as long as I can remember I have been fascinated with the tower at Forton/ Lancaster Services, but who can honestly blame me? You can’t ignore the 20 metre tall tower dominating the...