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  1. T_Explorer

    Report - Sandhar & Kang - SK Building/George J. Mason Grocers in Birmingham (May 2024)

    Hello, Everybody... I have recently explored the Sandhar & Kang (SK Building), and I was able to document my exploration. The Brief History Sandhar and Kang 'SK Building formerly George J. Mason LTD. Grocers. This building was originally used as the headquarters for the grocery stores owned...
  2. K

    Report - Abandoned Burger king and Game Gloucester

    I asked a shopping centre in Gloucester if I can take some photos of the abandoned Burger King and Game in Gloucester they allowed me to go in and take some photos History about Burger King Gloucester: Burger king opened in 2014 hoping to have customers to come to them to buy a burger then in...
  3. A Train

    Report - Abandoned DIY store, Cambridge

    Honestly, I have no history on this place. I and a friend of mine just stumbled across it. Nothing too special but wroth documenting i guess. Youtube Video link: Right that'll do. ,