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  1. Benjy 28DL

    Report - Winstanley Hall, Wigan - Feb 2025

    Built in the 1560s for the Winstanley family who were lords of the manor since (at least) 1252. The Winstanley family also owned the Braunstone Hall estate in Leicestershire. The estate was later sold to James Bankes, a London goldsmith and banker in 1596. The Bankes family had huge economic...
  2. MK83

    Report - Twelve Apostles Catholic Church - Leigh, Wigan - March 24

    This place is very local to us and is one we have checked from time to time over the past couple of years so when we saw @MotionlessMike had done it we had to go for a look. There has been a church on this site since the 1880's, the original church being corrugated iron. The existing building...
  3. GRONK

    Report - Royal Court Theatre, Wigan - May 2018

    May 2018 The Visit While taking a trip down memory lane and browsing through my old photographs, I stumbled upon the ones I took at the Royal Court Theatre in Wigan. Surprisingly, I realised that I had never shared these photos before. I visited this Theatre with @coolboyslim on a delightful...
  4. MK83

    Report - Gateway house, Wigan Council Department of Education Offices - Wigan, Gt Manchester - March 2023

    There's not much history on this place other than it's the former offices of Wigan Council Education department which closed down in 2012 and that it was built on the site of a former convent. Although it's quite overlooked the access was straight forward and once inside there was evidence of...
  5. MK83

    Report - St Williams Roman Catholic Church - Ince, Wigan - March 23

    The church was originally established in 1873 in a tin chapel opposite the current building. The current building was built in 1908 from designs by Matthew Honan. Honan’s drawings survive in the diocesan archives. A note on one of them states that the church was designed to seat 500 and that the...
  6. MK83

    Report - Shevington Community Primary School - Shevington, Wigan - November 2022

    This place is very stripped out and trashed so not a lot to photograph but it's only a 10 minute walk for us so we had to have a look when it became accessible. The whole place is steel boarded so lighting is poor and I didn't have my tripod with me hence the badly lit crappy photos! History -...
  7. MK83

    St Thomas Church - Bedford, Leigh - Nov 2021

    Explored this place over 2 visit's, the first was the same day @MotionlessMike posted his report coincidently but we weren't happy with some of our shots so went back the other day to retake a few. In-between the 2 visits it seems the vandals and kids have started to descend and the place has...
  8. MK83

    Report - Aspull Pumping Pit - Aspull, Wigan - September 2021

    We had a mooch around the ruins of Aspull Pumping Pit as we are currently looking round the remnants of the coal industry in our local area. While it is very much in a ruined state it was still interesting so we thought we'd stick it in a small report. History - Aspull Pumping Pit was built in...
  9. TheBackpackExplorer


    The History... By the River Douglas, Brock Mill first began operation in the mid-1700s & was purchased by the The Earl of Balcarres including the Foundry half a mile down stream. In 1815 due to poor business the blast furnaces were retired but the company found success in building Fire engines...
  10. Urbexexplorer

    Report - Ryland mill

    “In 1819, Rylands & Sons were established with their seat of operations being in Wigan. John, the youngest partner, occupied himself with travelling over several counties for orders until 1823, when he opened a warehouse for the firm in Manchester. Business increased rapidly, and in the course...
  11. MK83

    Report - St Joseph's Roman Catholic Church - Wigan, Lancashire - June 2021

    We had some time and this place is very close to us so we decided to re-visit with our camera's. The first time we explored this place was a few years ago with only our phone camera's so have never posted the results of that explore. Always wanted to go back with a decent camera and finally got...
  12. MK83

    Report - ROF Standish Munitions Storage - Standish, Wigan - May 2021

    History - ROF Standish was one of many Royal ordinance factories built at the start of world war 2 to assemble ammunition and weapons for the war effort. Each ROF factory specialised in specific types of ammunition and ROF Standish made .303 rounds most notably used in the chain fed machine guns...
  13. MK83

    Report - Blackeleys recycling - Platt Bridge, Wigan - April 2021

    History - There isn't any history on this site, not really sure who it belongs to or why it's there. We spotted this from a distance driving through and curiosity got the better of us so we went and took a gander. Most of the buses seem to be from the 90's/00's. Brings back memories of catching...
  14. MK83

    Report - The Beacon at Dalton bar and restaurant - Wigan - October 2020

    This was a random explore by chance at night. Planned to go back in the daylight to photograph with decent light but then lockdown 2 happened and didn't get chance so apologies for the photo's as my night time photography isn't the best. Don't think there's been any other reports on it. History...
  15. MK83

    Report - The Anderton Arms, Ince, Wigan - October 2020

    History - Struggled to find much on this place. It was built in the early 1900's by the look of some of the old pictures on the web, It shut down late 2019. It's known locally as the long neck, theories about why range from landlords hanging themselves to landlords bringing in geese at last...
  16. MK83

    Report - ST Peters Church, Bryn, Wigan - October 2020

    History - Opened in 1961 on the site of the original wooden church built in 1902. The Venerable Archdeacon Arthur White , who had been St Peter's first curate in 1909, laid the foundation stone on 17th September 1960. The new church was consecrated on the 16th August 1961 by the then Bishop of...
  17. O

    Report - Shanghai palace (the beer engine) Wigan, July 20

    My first post so please be gentle, I’m hoping that this site hasn’t been reported so I can gain a bit of kudos and start my journey of being welcomed into the inner circle. Lockdown has had me googling all kinds of weird sheet and it seems that other people enjoy wondering around abandoned...
  18. PlanetClare

    Report - Rylands Mill, Wigan. June 2020.

    This place had such a fun mix of architecture... from the old mill parts, to the more modern from when it was a college. Absolutely huge too, could have spent so much longer exploring the grounds and the underground bunker on site. Unfortunately we got off a bit early as a load of kids showed...
  19. PlanetClare

    Report - Rylands Mill, Wigan

    This place was huge, and beautiful! Had a weird mix of architecture with the old mill, and the more modern parts from when it was a college. Didn't get a chance to find the underground bunker on site unfortunately as a load of kids showed up f
  20. DustySensorPhotography

    Report - St Joseph's Seminary - Upholland - May 2019

    ST JOSEPH'S SEMINARY: So I explored this place a little while ago, and decided to post my first report in a while because it's been cropping up a bit more recently. This place has been abandoned since 1991, leaving it abandoned for 28 years! This is largely shown in the decay that this place...