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Report - - 155 Bishopsgate, London - November 2019 | High Stuff |

Report - 155 Bishopsgate, London - November 2019

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
"I reckon that one's possible, my mate got 15 people up there recently!"... famous last words.

The initial plan for the evening was to return to a rooftop in Whitechapel that my mate and I had recently accessed, but, after making it up to the 25th floor, we were quick to realise that the council had gotten the better of us, as the once accessible roof hatch now appeared to be locked...and that was that one taken care of, what a pity.
Now having a bit of a downer cast on us, we made our way to the ground floor and began a rather sullen stroll back to the tube station, with little else on our minds other than the possibilities of how the lock might've appeared.
However, by sheer fluke, we decided to look up from the pavement, and stood before us just so happened to be 155 Bishopsgate! the very building that in recent times 15 people managed to access all at once (allegedly), but be it a fact or fiction, it was enough to spur us on to give it a crack.

With our heads back in the game, we began to study the building, and soon picked up on the maintenance door used by workers for the upper floors...I think you can guess where it went from there ;) Once we'd managed to reach the top of a rather knackering 20 flights of stairs, we started our search for the final obstacle...the roof hatch, which at first was nowhere to be found. However, after a few wrong turns and a wander around the maze-like corridors, we'd located it. Now time to work our magic... and after 5 minutes, it miraculously popped open!
At long last, we could breathe easy, and we were more than deserving of a beer at that point :) and so after a good few hours snapping away and taking in the view, it was time to retrace our steps back to the maintenance door. I can confidently say that this more than compensated for the first roof being locked, and besides, it's not every day you get the privilege of witnessing Liverpool Street Station from above :cool:










Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Oh wow, perfect views. Love the lighting flooding in, always liked lights & views, but this is stunning. :D:thumbGood work again lads.

On a different note, kind of, and this is just my thoughts, I dont know the answer btw, if more roof hatches were unlocked, maybe people living in top floor apartments, could have a second way out if a fire were started, standing a better chance of living?? Or would the roof get too hot or smokey . Grenfell always comes to mind.

Exploring with Andy

Behind Closed Doors
Staff member
Nice job guys. That's often the way it goes in London, there's usually another one you can try ;)
What camera you shooting with?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Oh wow, perfect views. Love the lighting flooding in, always liked lights & views, but this is stunning. :D:thumbGood work again lads.

On a different note, kind of, and this is just my thoughts, I dont know the answer btw, if more roof hatches were unlocked, maybe people living in top floor apartments, could have a second way out if a fire were started, standing a better chance of living?? Or would the roof get too hot or smokey . Grenfell always comes to mind.
Many thanks Jane. Hmm, Grenfell is a very touchy subject, but I suppose so. If they’d of made it to the roof there’s a chance air ambulance might’ve picked up more victims. Food for thought I suppose
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Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Many thanks Jane. Hmm, Grenfell is a very touch to subject, but I suppose so. If they’d of made it to the roof there’s a chance air ambulance might’ve picked up more victims. Food for thought I suppose

Yep a very touchy subject, one Ive followed for 2 years now, just I know some clear up guys who took photos of the roof, untouched, and solid. It made me think is all.

Exploring with Andy

Behind Closed Doors
Staff member
We always find a way somehow haha, you know us ;) cheers man, only the Canon 1300D by the way
Top tip: Shoot in raw and then drop the highlights in a raw editor (Lightroom is good, but there are free ones too). It'll avoid the big areas of white around the lit-up areas.
Or - underexpose a bit, to avoid the highlights blowing out, and then brighten the shadows in the raw file (I find this way around works better) :thumb


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Top tip: Shoot in raw and then drop the highlights in a raw editor (Lightroom is good, but there are free ones too). It'll avoid the big areas of white around the lit-up areas.
Or - underexpose a bit, to avoid the highlights blowing out, and then brighten the shadows in the raw file (I find this way around works better) :thumb
Cheers for the advice mate, I still need to get practicing the software @Wevsky sent me, it’ll work wonders apparently haha

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