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A New Explorer!

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28DL Member
28DL Member
Hello 👋,

Shaun here from Woking, Surrey (South East England). Happy to admit that I am a total newbie to this type of exploring but willing to learn and take advice from those with experience, but more importantly just get out and experience it for myself. Fascinated by WW2 bunkers, hospitals, houses! Bit of a wild camper as well so always walking about and exploring. More recently pitched up at Chilworth Gunpowder Mill in Guildford for the night which was epic!

Anyway, looking forward to sharing but also seeing what everyone else is up to!


Shaun 👍 😊


Teim scoobs
28DL Full Member
Welcome along. We're not big on soggy houses but definitely bunkers and hospitals.
Look forward to reading about your exploits.