I got a few reports to put up, so just to get it off, I'll start with the most trashed up place I've ever been...Anyway there's a nice backstory to this explore:
When I got into urbex I started looking at Spanish blogs, and came up with this report from a well-known guy around here:
I knew it must've been near me, but it was impossible to find any clues about the location, so I let it pass, but it's quite a curious building so some details stuck with me: the handrails and the interior garden.
Fast forward some months, I was looking at instagram one day and a musician friend posted a video of him recording a videoclip...and there were those handrails! and the garden! I asked him for the location... turned out to be a 10 minute drive from where I live, in the other side of town! I recommend you look at the link from above if you're into 70's architecture, that report in the link captures the place when it was still intact.
When we went yesterday, it was all boarded up, and mega-trashed inside. Actually the entrance we were supposed to use had been freshly sealed, we were about to call it a fail and go home...but we're starting to realise that there's always a hole somewhere (and they all seem to lead to the boiler room/basements of places :') ).
Anyway, here goes an attempt at a report... from papers we found inside, we figured out this was a kind of labour-health centre for government workers. Here are some exteriors:
Once inside, we first came upon this, we were happy but we didn't know if the way from the basement to the building was gonna be sealed:
The basement was quite big, after a few minutes we finally found the lift and stairs that led us inside the building!
Actually the first space we came across was this conference hall:
Sorry if my writing is not that inspired today, after exploring mines & power stations I don't know what to say about fucked up graffitied places... but here's the main stairway,
with those handrails! I don't know what I like about them, but I do.
And my favorite part and best pic of the day, the interior garden!
Let's go back to trashy interiors, here goes the medical bay and what's left of the kitchen and cafeteria:
And more nice stairs & rails!
Should I be sorry for how shitty the pics of this report are? This was a nice stairwell, captured really fucking badly... anyway, it led us to the rooftop...
How about that for my first rooftopping ever, eh? :')
That will be it, let me refill my glass and put up another report of something a little more interesting! Until the next one!
When I got into urbex I started looking at Spanish blogs, and came up with this report from a well-known guy around here:
Flech Urbex: El Instituto abandonado GenCat
¡Hey! ¿Que tal amiguetes? ¿Ya me econtrábais a faltar verdad? Aish... Ya se que no podéis vivir sin mi, pero creo que tanto amor es un tant...
I knew it must've been near me, but it was impossible to find any clues about the location, so I let it pass, but it's quite a curious building so some details stuck with me: the handrails and the interior garden.
Fast forward some months, I was looking at instagram one day and a musician friend posted a video of him recording a videoclip...and there were those handrails! and the garden! I asked him for the location... turned out to be a 10 minute drive from where I live, in the other side of town! I recommend you look at the link from above if you're into 70's architecture, that report in the link captures the place when it was still intact.
When we went yesterday, it was all boarded up, and mega-trashed inside. Actually the entrance we were supposed to use had been freshly sealed, we were about to call it a fail and go home...but we're starting to realise that there's always a hole somewhere (and they all seem to lead to the boiler room/basements of places :') ).
Anyway, here goes an attempt at a report... from papers we found inside, we figured out this was a kind of labour-health centre for government workers. Here are some exteriors:
Once inside, we first came upon this, we were happy but we didn't know if the way from the basement to the building was gonna be sealed:
The basement was quite big, after a few minutes we finally found the lift and stairs that led us inside the building!
Actually the first space we came across was this conference hall:
Sorry if my writing is not that inspired today, after exploring mines & power stations I don't know what to say about fucked up graffitied places... but here's the main stairway,
with those handrails! I don't know what I like about them, but I do.
And my favorite part and best pic of the day, the interior garden!
Let's go back to trashy interiors, here goes the medical bay and what's left of the kitchen and cafeteria:
And more nice stairs & rails!
Should I be sorry for how shitty the pics of this report are? This was a nice stairwell, captured really fucking badly... anyway, it led us to the rooftop...
How about that for my first rooftopping ever, eh? :')
That will be it, let me refill my glass and put up another report of something a little more interesting! Until the next one!