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Report - - Abandoned Fishing & Shooting Lodge Otterburn Northumberland December 2020 | Leisure Sites |

Report - Abandoned Fishing & Shooting Lodge Otterburn Northumberland December 2020

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Undiscovered locations in the UK
28DL Full Member
One of my last explores of 2020 and was a bit of gem in my opinion.
Seeing houses that aren't falling apart, stuff thrown everywhere is quite rare nowadays, so was nice to find something like this.
I don't have much history on the place , judging by the pictures all the wall, I assumed the owner was a keen Shooter and Fishermen, however after asking another explorer they said the house was a getaway lodge for people who wanted to hunt and fish.
I was told the house has been Abandoned over a decade, if that is true, I've surprised how well it still looks.













View attachment 889273

Thanks for looking.


Queller of the uprising
Do you mind me

do you mind me asking where this is mate? :) no worries if not

@MarkusCP87 might not mind you asking but I do. Rough location is in the title as per forum rules.

Considering you have no contributions to the site, I suggest either getting some reports up (then members may help you out) or do some legwork and research yourself. Asking outright doesn’t usually go down too well.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
@MarkusCP87 might not mind you asking but I do. Rough location is in the title as per forum rules.

Considering you have no contributions to the site, I suggest either getting some reports up (then members may help you out) or do some legwork and research yourself. Asking outright doesn’t usually go down too well.
Thanks mate - like I said no worries if not. We post all our finds to Instagram :) people tend to be overly jobsworth-y about the ‘forum rules’ on here.


Queller of the uprising
Thanks mate - like I said no worries if not. We post all our finds to Instagram :) people tend to be overly jobsworth-y about the ‘forum rules’ on here.

Without contributing to the site, you won’t get much of a better answer I’m afraid.

The ‘forum rules’ are put in place for certain reasoning. If you feel that’s petty, you don’t have to use the site, simple as.


Undiscovered locations in the UK
28DL Full Member
@MarkusCP87 might not mind you asking but I do. Rough location is in the title as per forum rules.

Considering you have no contributions to the site, I suggest either getting some reports up (then members may help you out) or do some legwork and research yourself. Asking outright doesn’t usually go down too well.
Why is it people always just ask outright without even a hello.
Class find that mate I'd keep it to yourself or itl end up like Otterburn Hall
This one isn't that easy to find, Otterburn hall is a public place, houses are usually well kept hidden luckily

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