This internet cafe was the largest tenant in a shopping mall that failed to attract many other businesses to rent out their units. It's been there for about 8 years but recently closed. Internet cafes are popular in China due to the cost of PC's being prohibitive to many lower wage factory workers and games consoles are illegal in China. Many are migrant workers moving to the south of China to find work so they are used to keep in contact with family that may be far away. Gamers also make up a large number of the users, with browser games, Counterstrike, World of warcraft and some Chinese developed MMOs However with Smartphones becoming powerful with internet access and good games the internet cafes are in decline. Much like mobile phones took out public payphones in the UK.
Not a lot left in this internet cafe once the PC's and desks have been taken away, still some interesting posters on the wall and the bright decoration remains.
Your Internet usage is being tracked by the authorities!
It says Internet Bar in Chinese on the window.
payment desk
Not a lot left in this internet cafe once the PC's and desks have been taken away, still some interesting posters on the wall and the bright decoration remains.
Your Internet usage is being tracked by the authorities!
It says Internet Bar in Chinese on the window.
payment desk