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Report - Abandoned Police station? AWE Aldermaston sept 2019

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I'd been past what looked like a big old house right next to awe aldermaston a few times. temptation got the better of me and i decided to have a look, here is what i found. also explored a seriously old cottage across the road that was falling to bits. will post that too if people want
















A fellow of infinite jest
28DL Full Member
Built in 1880 as a gate lodge for Aldermaston Court. Early OS maps show it as lodge but by around 1900 this had changed to Kennels.

The land registry says it’s called “The Old Kennels”

I can’t find any record of it being a Police station, though it clearly was. Maybe Military Police as they secure AWE Aldermaston?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Admin, i'm not sure if it's civil or military. As above I couldn't find any information on it. But it shares a fence with AWE Aldermaston.
Also on the fence to the property there's a sign saying 'MOD property'
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Admin, i'm not sure if it's civil or military. As above I couldn't find any information on it. But it shares a fence with AWE Aldermaston.
Also on the fence to the property there's a sign saying 'MOD property'
Hi I'm wondering is this next to the severn lake fishery if that is the correct name and near by is the car dealership and also on the same road is the abandoned cottage which looks like it has been burnt


Stay Safe
Staff member
First and foremost the Military Police have nothing to do with AWE Aldermaton which is a MOD asset not the Army. It is the MOD Police that guard such establishments.

I am not sure about this building but it may be the old HQ for the MOD Police not Civil Police, but stand to be corrected

The Special Escort Group (Ministry of Defence Police) or SEG (MDP) are a specialised unit of the Ministry of Defence Police. is/was also based at Aldermaston which is primarily responsible for the movement of all nuclear weapons and Defence Special Nuclear Material within the United Kingdom.

The SEG conduct nuclear weapons convoys, by road, between AWE Burghfield and RNAD Coulport, and special nuclear materials by road, rail, and air. Special nuclear materials within the UK are defined as: tritium, enriched uranium and depleted uranium and plutonium, as well as new and used reactor fuel from Royal Navy submarines.

The SEG provides the staff for the close escort and traffic management of nuclear weapons convoy movements. During these convoy movements it works alongside military personnel from Fleet Protection Group Royal Marines and Atomic Weapons Establishment civilian staff. Rail escorts include radiological safety escorts with railway personnel. There is liaison with local police forces whilst the convoy is en route.

28DL Full Member
I live near here and know this building. You want to keep an eye open for these beasts!


Stay Safe
Staff member
Indeed so, regularly see them on the M1 on various alternative routes to and from Scotland with among other things, Trident warheads for inspection & refurbishment....

complete with MOD Police & Royal Marine escorts. I have seen up to 5 of these transporters in one convoy.


28DL Member
28DL Member
I go past this all the time when I'm working. Always wondered about it.. Will defo have a look and would love to see your photos on the cottage over the road


Weirdy Beardy
28DL Full Member
Spotted a MK4 manifoil key drop safe on the wall. This certainty means it's been used by Ministry of Defence police. Those type of safes arent used in the civvy world.

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