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Abandoned School near me

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Undiscovered locations in the UK
28DL Full Member
Got a few shots of a school that has been closed for over 20 years, always wanted to explore it finally got in there!!!








grumpy sod
Regular User
Good effort but your thread title needs the name of the school, its location and month /year of your visit. 'Near me' doesn't count as a location ;)


Undiscovered locations in the UK
28DL Full Member
Good effort but your thread title needs the name of the school, its location and month /year of your visit. 'Near me' doesn't count as a location ;)
I don't even know how to use this site properly yet haha, use to uploading on Instagram, it's Easington School in Eastington Village in County Durham, these were took yesterday afternoon
Good effort but your thread title needs the name of the school, its location and month /year of your visit. 'Near me' doesn't count as a location ;)


Flaxenation of the G!!!
Regular User
well done for getting out and finding something. A few more photos would have been nice. The place looks pretty trashed but the decay also gives it potential for a few nice shots. As said above, location and month/year is the general format for titles here. I am sure an admin will be able to update for you.


Undiscovered locations in the UK
28DL Full Member
well done for getting out and finding something. A few more photos would have been nice. The place looks pretty trashed but the decay also gives it potential for a few nice shots. As said above, location and month/year is the general format for titles he
Which side were you in? Infants or Juniors?
We tried both, however the infants side had a few more better shots
re. I am sure an admin will be able to update for you.
I've got a few more but there not great to be honest, thought I'd upload

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