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Report - - Abergele Hospital Mortuary, Wales - May 2023 | Asylums and Hospitals |

Report - Abergele Hospital Mortuary, Wales - May 2023

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
This was not on the plans for the weekend but my mate really wanted to see it. Seeing as he drives mainly and always goes places I suggest, I reluctantly went along. Ok we love a good mortuary but I knew what was happening here, I knew half the world would descend on it. I was right as well. We set off very early in the morning and arrived quite early and was already two people inside, two members on here. We were inside and four more people turned up, then as leaving another two people. It’s not really what I enjoy when out and about, but I was here and got some shots as not many mortuaries about in good condition. it was even in numerous papers by someone claiming they found it whilst wandering around the woods ha ha. It was sealed up in literally a few days.
The mortuary is situated some way from the main hospital near to what was the old workshops and such. It contained a porcelain slab and body fridge, to the side is a small chapel room in pitch blackness. The main hospital was opened as tuberculosis hospital in 1910 to serve the children of the surrounding area. It expanded over the years, until the NHS took charge in 1948. It was renamed the Abergele Chest Hospital in 1955.

















28DL Regular User
Regular User
Man I remember everyone falling over themselves to get here back in the spring :rofl
I know, I said to my mate what it would be like. But he was insistent that he wanted to go. I preferred that really decaying care home.


g00n Buster
Staff member
I thought i took a wonky photo but its good to see it was infact a wonky slab and its not just my pics.

Looks like someone made another way in too πŸ˜‚

Love a morgue though, even if it did get rinsed. Good job mate


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Nice shots and report mate. This place really winds me up as me and Jake checked it out the day after you and it was sealed, we even double checked haha, but then saw people posting it a few days after we tried it. We weren't desperate to see it, as had lots of other places planned, but was still frustrating :rofl


28DL Regular User
Regular User
I thought i took a wonky photo but its good to see it was infact a wonky slab and its not just my pics.

Looks like someone made another way in too πŸ˜‚

Love a morgue though, even if it did get rinsed. Good job mate
Ha ha that slab was definitely slightly on the wonk.
I thought the front was always the way in :)
I think I have more appreciation for it now the months have passed and dust settled.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Nice shots and report mate. This place really winds me up as me and Jake checked it out the day after you and it was sealed, we even double checked haha, but then saw people posting it a few days after we tried it. We weren't desperate to see it, as had lots of other places planned, but was still frustrating :rofl
Yeah it was quickly sealed wasn't it. At least you did not just drive from Norfolk to Wales too see it ha ha. At least you were already there to see other stuff.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Lovely little morgue. I too dislike a tour turning up. I enjoy bumping into one or two members, occasionally. Great images
Yeah it gets quite stressful for me. Like you say it's nice to bump into the odd person on an explore. Thank you, did you notice I even got a toilet :)


28DL Regular User
Regular User
It was a big hole in the door into the chapel not what’s shown here. Shame really
Ah right I never saw that hole. I just presumed this was the only way in. Someone obviously wanted an easier way in.

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