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Report - - Acid House / Frith Park - Surrey - 2016 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Acid House / Frith Park - Surrey - 2016

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Regular User
Visited ages ago, quite a good little industrial location for the middle of nowhere in Surrey, and the roof on a warm summers evening is always a good thing.

The Frith Park estate, which lies to the south west of Walton-on-the-Hill and comprises of approximately 104 hectares of land nestled in the Surrey Hills. The site comprises Frith Park, a former 19th century locally listed manor house, together a number of post-war commercial buildings, four cottages, a former 16th century farmhouse and a group of agricultural buildings. The main house, together with the four cottages and the modern commercial buildings are grouped together in the western part of the site, whilst the former farmhouse and agricultural buildings are located in the eastern part of the site, closer to the motorway. There is a former walled garden which now lies in a state of disrepair.
The main house was previously occupied by the South Wales Chemical Company from the 1950s and has been used for manufacturing, storage and office accommodation. The south wales chemical company were involved in the printing industry. The firm constructed the modern buildings found on the site sometime in the 1970s. The farm buildings were historically used for agricultural purposes but this use has fallen into decline.

The site has since been demolished and the area is being redeveloped for housing.













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I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Loved this place. Long gone now.

As for history it was a large private house and then used as the headquarters for the South Wales Chemical Company for many years, they left sometime in the early 2000s I believe and the roof was removed for some reason.

Come on though you know the rules about naming stuff, it's Frith Park in Walton-on-the-Hill :p


Regular User
Lol, it'll always be Acid House to me! Added a history and updated the title , forgot I had one.
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28DL Regular User
Regular User
This was the place where I first met @Brewtal I think. Loooong demolished now, but a pretty cool place.
So it was! My god that seems like so long ago lol.

I used to live down the hill from here, and it was my shooting range for learning dslr properly.

Once the scaffolding came off and the industrial extension was demolished, she looked very very different...


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