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Report - - Air Raid Shelter - Port Glasgow re-visit, Sept 2012 | Underground Sites |

Report - Air Raid Shelter - Port Glasgow re-visit, Sept 2012

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28DL Full Member
Today I met up with Pantomime Horse for the first time as he was wanting an explore of the old WW2 shelter in Port Glasgow. I'm sure he'll be posting his photos shortly, I've post mine up just now anyway.

The shelter is the last of it's kind in the district, it took 6 months to build by a team of Polish workers & it's built 30ft below solid rock. Since my last visit in 2008, the local council has in-filled one of the stairway entrances (30ft deep) with sludge & blocked the other one off with a steel door, so there is just one secret entrance left ;)

At the bottom of the last stairway. 30sec exposure.

The remains of the benches.

One of the water-logged chambers. 20 sec exposure.

A toilet block with canvas doors.

An old can of Tennents lager, with sexy Karen on the side... Makes me feel old.

Fuse boxes.

Following it round the bend.

A 15 sec exposure to try & paint in the light.

This was just the cameras flash.

One of the other tunnels.

Stuff sitting on this thunder box.

Some framework still intact.

Pantomime Horse getting a closer look at some pipework.

The diesel engine, 15sec exposure.
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