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Report - - Alla Italia, Belgium - September 2014 | European and International Sites |

Report - Alla Italia, Belgium - September 2014

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Staff member
This is one of those locations where you walk around in sheer amazement at the fact somewhere so grand has been abandoned. I don’t know any more history other than it was once a luxurious health spa. The entrance hall is the main attraction with ornate carved ceilings that wouldn’t look out of place in a palace. That’s not to say the rest of the place isn’t stunning as well however, and I was surprised at the sheer size of the building. Someone (mentioning no names…. Rolf :rolleyes: ) accidentally overlooked our access point which led to me trying an alternative route and in turn piercing my foot on a spike akin to Alan Partridge, take a look at this video if you don’t know what I’m talking about…. With a few texts sent to the UK for assistance we were back on track though (thanks for that you know who you are) and made the most of what daylight we had left. This was a really memorable explore partly due to a brass band playing a bizarre soundtrack throughout the trip. They were part of a beer festival outside and I will never forget them playing the Rocky theme tune as we entered the building! I want them to come on future explores just for that! SO much WIN!!

My pics aren’t the best but they’ll do, what an awesome place!











That ceiling, looks like a painting but it's actually wallpaper...notice part of it peeling away....




Best explore band in the world! :)

Upon leaving after the others I was a bit concerned to see flashing blue lights everywhere, thankfully there had been a mass brawl in the street so we weren't even on their radar :D

Thanks for looking :thumb


Is this the future?
28DL Full Member
Bloody hell, that art work is amazing. It's like a palace in there. Love that you entered with the rocky theme tune, nothing better! :thumbs:Not Worthy:thumbs


That place is amazing, some people have too much money to leave this to rot. Incredible ceiling there as well, each room looks stunning. Thanks for posting.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Liking this alot, looks a stunning place :)

Some beautiful artwork dotted around and that main hall looks something special to. Top stuff as always :thumb

Love the Partridge reference by the of my fave AP moments :D


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nice ones mate :thumb

Nicely done as usual :)

Indeed it's a lovely place even in its current state of renovation. Myself & will Knot visited earlier cheers mate :thumb (going off how those pics are positioned) and the area by that fancy adjustable chair was still thick with dust in the air where they'd been stripping back the plaster. Which gave us another shit there's someone here moment :)

I couldn't believe the access point WTF ? Easily spotted by all the Police crime scene tape Across xit lol we found 2 more escape points late which is good to know when you're hundreds of miles Way.

I'll just look at your pics , it'll save me doing PP on mine :)


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Savage stuff, this place looks top class. Great photos too, the shots of the main hall came out very nicely.

Really nice find!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Me too mate, on the plus side I'm inspired to do my bedroom like that now I know it's achievable on a budget :D

lol mate :thumb

I want that Copper bath in the entrance for my bathroom, i was taking a pic of it as a couple walked up to the glass entrance to look at it...i"m there screwed up pretending to be a Tortoise trying not to be seen lol

i"d just get those rooftop shots blown up and pasted up, just P"shop Monkey out and add yourself....or go back tonight ;)


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
That's an awesome place,makes you want to go abroad right now. Great pics too.

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