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Report - - Anglo Beef Northampton - March 18 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Anglo Beef Northampton - March 18

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Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Ok Ill start sharing some of the back catalogue

Anglo Beef processors, was an abattoir up until 95 with more than 300,000 animals being slaughtered a year, it remained operational as a packing plant until 2005 when the doors were shut.
There is an ongoing battle with local villagers trying to stop plans for a new rail freight terminal, & at the moment planning has been quashed!

I explored on my own & I can report this place is grim!
I mean very grim. You wouldn't expect a place like this to be pretty but with an air of death around, & a seemingly endless maze of pitch black rooms it had me on edge, not to mention what lays in the upper floors!!!

There's a lot of pics but you'll have to look on to see what I mean.

Starting at the far end there is water treatment plants/
IMG_1163 by Bikin Glynn, on Flickr

IMG_1170 by Bikin Glynn, on Flickr

I entered the main plant through typical cattle sheds, these have a lot of paperwork & a few other interesting bits left inside.

IMG_1006 by Bikin Glynn, on Flickr

IMG_1002 by Bikin Glynn, on Flickr

IMG_1019 by Bikin Glynn, on Flickr

IMG_1015 by Bikin Glynn, on Flickr

IMG_1024 by Bikin Glynn, on Flickr

Directly off the sheds you enter a tiled room which soon becomes apparent is the buiseness end of things!

IMG_1034 by Bikin Glynn, on Flickr

IMG_1029 by Bikin Glynn, on Flickr

IMG_1039 by Bikin Glynn, on Flickr

Moving on into the maze of processing rooms, all pretty much the same with a few interesting bits & bobs, particularly a lot of signage left as it seems they took H & s very seriously!

IMG_1069 by Bikin Glynn, on Flickr

IMG_1076 by Bikin Glynn, on Flickr

IMG_1075 by Bikin Glynn, on Flickr

IMG_1080 by Bikin Glynn, on Flickr

Back outside I headed over to the maintenance shop, this interested me being in the trade there was a lot of bits left in here.

IMG_1081 by Bikin Glynn, on Flickr

IMG_1083 by Bikin Glynn, on Flickr

IMG_1095 by Bikin Glynn, on Flickr

IMG_1099 by Bikin Glynn, on Flickr

IMG_1113 by Bikin Glynn, on Flickr

IMG_1111 by Bikin Glynn, on Flickr

IMG_1124 by Bikin Glynn, on Flickr

Up the stairway to heaven..or hell

IMG_1129 by Bikin Glynn, on Flickr


IMG_1146 by Bikin Glynn, on Flickr

I'll leave u making your own mind up what this homemade implement is!!!
IMG_1147 by Bikin Glynn, on Flickr

Heading out

IMG_1153 by Bikin Glynn, on Flickr

Leaving the site in the rain I almost missed this excellent selection of machinery just across the field!
IMG_1176 by Bikin Glynn, on Flickr

IMG_1177 by Bikin Glynn, on Flickr

IMG_1180 by Bikin Glynn, on Flickr

IMG_1190 by Bikin Glynn, on Flickr

Feeling pleased with myself I proceeded straight to McDonalds for lunch, the irony of which only set in once I was tucking in.
Loads more picks on my flickr
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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Worked there for nearly 20 years, at it's height it was killing 1500 pigs a day, and 1000 beasts (cattle) and 500 lambs. So that's about 780,000 animals a year.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
My dad went here on a school trip in primary school believe it or not. Who thought that was a good idea?


grumpy sod
Regular User
My dad went here on a school trip in primary school believe it or not. Who thought that was a good idea?

It's actually not a terrible idea as it shows to kids exactly where their food they get from the supermarkets come from, very educational - but no doubt wouldn't be allowed today because it'd likely traumatise the poor soft dears.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
It's actually not a terrible idea as it shows to kids exactly where their food they get from the supermarkets come from, very educational - but no doubt wouldn't be allowed today because it'd likely traumatise the poor soft dears.
Apparently a few kids went vegetarian afterwards

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