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Report - - Apethorpe Pumping Station, Northamptonshire - July 2023 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Apethorpe Pumping Station, Northamptonshire - July 2023

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Another lovely little pumping station I’ve now visited twice. Wasn’t happy with my first lot of pics due to the glaring sun so went back with @JakeV50 last month to reshoot as we were in the area.

Information & History
I’ve found it very difficult to pull any sort of historical information about this site online. I think it may have been used for local water supply as opposed to land drainage like most of the other stations I have visited. It’s strange how there’s no info, it doesn’t even appear on old OS Maps! Bikin Glynn originally came across this one. It does make me wonder what other little hidden gems are out there. The building itself is located just outside of the village of Apethorpe, hidden around a selection of trees alongside Willow Brook which is a tributary of the River Nene.

The pumps were initially powered by a small Blackstone Diesel engine, model OP. Looking at similar examples online I would guess that this engine was capable of producing around 20 horsepower. The power would’ve originally been delivered to the pumps via a drive belt. In previous reports the belt itself was intact but unfortunately, it is now lying on the floor. The pump house would’ve later had access to electricity given that electric motors were fitted to each pump. The pumps are of the hydraulic ram type and were engineered and manufactured by London-based Hayward Tyler & Co., which was founded in 1815. Other features within the building include a water tank, presumably for cooling the engine, an external oil tank, a very small control panel on the wall, and a workbench.

The structure appears to be constructed of mainly local materials with a wooden roof and chimney for the extraction of diesel fumes. The roof has now almost completely collapsed and the entire structure is in very poor condition.

The Explore
We found parking nearby and headed through a gap in the hedgerow and walked towards the building on the edge of a field. It is a shame to see the roof has caved in even further since our visit last year, but it is inevitable really. There was a lot of wood laying on the engine and elsewhere so we had to do a little bit of cleaning up in order to get better shots of all the equipment. I probably spent around an hour or so getting pics, it was a pain using the tripod in there due to most of the roof being loose on the floor. It is definitely a place I’ll check up on in a couple of years or so just for curiosity's sake.

Onto the photos, starting with a quick external. The wooden ladder outside still hasn’t moved!


Heading on in, you are greeted with the two pumps side by side:






One of two electric motors:


A couple of overview shots of the building, you can see how bad the roof is now:



The old Blackstone engine with the table and tank behind:




An old style lightswitch that's now just hanging freely:


Finishing off with part of the small control panel/switchboard mounted to the wall:


Thanks for looking.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
It's shown on some maps, just not labelled.
Seem to remember it was for Spa Farm - there's a reservoir up there, and there's a modern pumping box not far away from this place.
Two pumps seems like overkill though.


Surprisingly Unsurprising
Regular User
Very nice little station, I recall visiting this on some absolutely miserable morning and only taking about 2 photos.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Wow this is absolutely stunning!
It's a really nice one even with the dilapidated roof!

It's shown on some maps, just not labelled.
Seem to remember it was for Spa Farm - there's a reservoir up there, and there's a modern pumping box not far away from this place.
Two pumps seems like overkill though.
Ah yeah I should've mentioned it does appear as a building on modern OS maps etc, just not on the old ones. That's interesting, cheers for the info. Would make sense given the location.

Very nice little station, I recall visiting this on some absolutely miserable morning and only taking about 2 photos.
Ah that's a shame, you should go back if in the area in the future.

Damn that's pretty cool and your pics are absolutely spot on 👌
Cheers mate, it's a nice little pump house tucked away.

Love this, great shots
Cheers, it's one of my favourite pump houses I've been to.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Shown on the 1950 6"
Ahh I usually look at the older ones. Will have to start browsing the 60s ones.

Really loved this place when I went. Good to see it again and great report.
Thanks mate, it's a lovely one with nice natural decay as well.

Really nice crisp photos of this place mate.
Cheers mate, it's one of my favourite little pump houses.

One I need to go back to as well as I only had my phone on me when I visited it before.
Ahh definitely worth a visit with the camera for sure, even in its dilapidated state.

Lovely little pump house. Seeing two pumps side by side is different. Great report and images. :thumb
Thanks Jane, I thought the pumps side by side made for a nice opening shot of the interior.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Another great find, I was under the impression that these sort of places were quite rare and thin on the ground, however a lot seem to be popping up, only a good thing!
There's quite a few it just depends on the area really. I didn't find too much else of interest around here, but there must be more hidden gems out there. I haven't really looking in Northamptonshire properly. Your best best is Fenland as there are loads round that way :thumb

I can't take the credit as I didn't find this particular one myself, but old OS maps are your friend!

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