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Report - - Apple tree inn - Gloucester- December 2020 | Leisure Sites |

Report - Apple tree inn - Gloucester- December 2020

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
'The Apple Tree is, in parts, one of the oldest buildings in Minsterworth. Experts believe that the cruck timber structure, parts of which can be seen in the bar, is what remains of a medieval hall house dating from the late 15th century. The building has been added to a number of times over the centuries, and from what we do know of its subsequent history- it has been quite chequered.
For much of its life, it probably served as a farm building belonging to the local Lord of the manor, but by the 18th century it seems to have been a home for wayward boys. According to legend, the young offenders used to be kept in chains and guarded by warders in grey uniforms. An 1839 land survey described it as a "homestead and gardens", and by the end of the 19th century it had become known by the name 'Salcombe'. It was not until the 1900's that it seems to have become a hostelry of any kind, and well into the 1950's before it became a licensed premises. A 1935 local commercial directory listed it as the 'Appletree Café', but by 1936 it was described on maps as the 'Appletree Roadhouse'.
Its location on the main road into Wales would surely have attracted plenty of passing trade, but the two swimming pools in the paddock were themselves a big attraction for locals and travellers alike.

These times are still within living memory for some locals, who also recall cider being pressed in the stone press that once stood at the front of the pub, which can now be found in the bar and pictured below.


Nice old photo of the pub which I imagine would be dated around 1950/1960s from the car in the picture.


And how the pub looks today.









strange how there’s a Christmas tree up and it being Christmas time now lol


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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
It’s a nice looking pub, was only renovated in 2009 then closed 6 years later.. guess business couldn’t of been great

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
That is a really nice looking building. Great history. Hope its reno `d would be so sad if it wasnt saved. Thats a great reminder of history that cider press. :thumb


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Read somewere about it being knocked down to make room for homes, as it’s a listed building I didn’t think that was allowed? Guess they’ll have to get all the correct permissions from the planning authority

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Read somewere about it being knocked down to make room for homes, as it’s a listed building I didn’t think that was allowed? Guess they’ll have to get all the correct permissions from the planning authority
Depends on grade, also depends on whether this has to stay in part, or completely mixed in with new houses. But some listed do get demo`d. Makes a mockery of the listed grades really.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
That makes sense, demoing the add ons, but keeping the listed bits, thats quite usual.

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