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Report - - Archway Tower, North London (August 2015) | High Stuff |

Report - Archway Tower, North London (August 2015)

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Yung explorer
28DL Full Member

I've always been eyeing this tower block for such a long time, since I moved into the area 6 years ago.
Everyday when I was coming home on the bus I would look up and the faintest glimmer of ''goddamn look at that disgusting building I could climb that smudge on the map'' thought would cross my head. Wind up about 5 years and it looked to me construction was going on along the side of the building, but I never batted an eye as my interested in roof topping at that time never resurfaced. Wind forward 1 more year and damn, I have to say that scaffolding does make the building look tad bit better.


(From Wikipedia)

A 195 feet building sitting next to Archway station, it's construction was completed in 1963, welcoming employment into the area, although it was commented as become visually unappealing due to it's brutalist architectural approach.

In 2005, after alleged consultation made by the Islington council, its redevelopment was handed to the BDP. This was an unpopular news as locals accused the plan as being a forced schedule with no publicised consultations. BDP denied these charges.

It was formerly a property of the UK government, but was sold to Wichford PLC, then to the Scarborough Property Group. As a result the Farmer's Saturday and Sunday market was moved to Holloway road near seven sisters.

It remained largely empty until Public guardianship Office converted the tower into Court of Protection and Office of Public Guardian in 2007. Both the court and the office vacated the building in 2011.
Developer Essential Living purchased the building in 2013 for £6 million, promising to convert the 16 storey brutalist tower into a residential, as it remains as today.

The Climb

The climb was quite challenging, but largely due to the jagged poles and metal bars that made me move like the matrix most of the way up. Had to return to the building as my camera wasn't suited for night shots.

First Attempt:




Second attempt:







Mate posing with an axe

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Obsessed with BS7671
Regular User
Looks good mate. Many a happy hour I spent in here during the 1980's trying to claim me nash.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Not sure what you mean about challenging, when we did it back in April we took the the scaff stairs most of the way then went in the building for the last stretch. The actual roof bit where you friend is standing looks a bit different, unless that's that slightly lower level of the roof?


Yung explorer
28DL Full Member
Ahh, i forgot to mention there were stairs, but for the majority upwards we both used the scaffold ladders to go up. Only actually found the main staircase when we were leaving + the last pic was the slightly lower roof, great place to do pull ups to the view :)