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Report - - B&R Joint Lunatic Asylum, Talgarth. July 2017. | Asylums and Hospitals |

Report - B&R Joint Lunatic Asylum, Talgarth. July 2017.

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
So, didn't know this day would come so soon...My first Hospital/Asylum - and it didn't disappoint.

While on the way back from my North Wales & Snowdonia road trip I knew I couldn't resist stopping at this very popular location. The full name, Brecon and Radnor Joint Counties Lunatic Asylum. What you might know it as, Mid Wales Hospital.

This vast location was opened in 1903 and cost £126k to build. The asylum was uniquely designed featuring it's own water tower, heating incinerator, sewage system & mini power plant, as well as a vast agricultural estate for able patients to grow food for the hospital. During the 2nd World War a total of 115 patients transferred to help with demand for the mental unstable, and then returned back to being a civil hospital in 1947. The date in which the hospital closed is unclear but come 2009 the site was put up for sale, several of the properties surrounding the main building, like the gate house - were sold on and are now privately owned, while the land that surrounds the main hospital building was sold for £227k to the former Chief medical officer. Planning permission was granted to demolish and turn the site into a business park but as of yet nothing has fabricated and the premises has been left for the explorers.

However it is noteworthy that extra efforts has gone into the area for security as it is becoming a notorious site for urban explores, local kids & vandals. Also not sure if this was just a off chance but when I visited there was a couple of cars that were rally driving on the private road that runs through the site - not attacking attention at all...

So overall we only went into the main white ward building as the main building was well secure and had asbestos aplenty. Most of the building's ground floors had one or two big holes in that were very unstable. Overall, the building was empty, no furniture and quite a lot of the same big shared rooms and quite a few private - still stunning however.

We could access the other buildings but the rest were in such bad state it really didn't seem worth the risk & mess to get into them as barb wire was not a shortage.

Anyway, here's the shots enjoy!
Visited & Photographed: 1st July 2017


Oh hey thats me :thumb












( . Y . )
Regular User
Nicely shot, looks like there's more to see in the annexe than the main building!


Crusty Juggler
Staff member
Nice to see its given its proper name ;)

The annnex rarely gets much love but actually tis quite photogenic. lovely stuff.

Lord Oort

Fear is the little death
Regular User
Good snaps, I keep talking myself out of going as there's so little to see and then someone posts new pics :thumb