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Report - - Barrier Park, Pontoon dock, London - April 2015 | High Stuff |

Report - Barrier Park, Pontoon dock, London - April 2015

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I found this while recing two rather well known buildings near Pontoon Dock. With active security at one and the other requiring more work I tried two building sites littered with my favorite toys. No real history on the site I’m afraid, no doubt it used to be docks or industrial but is in the process of being molested by property companies (Barratt in this case) into more characterless, overpriced flats that none of us Londoners can actually afford.

Last time I was here the smaller crane had gone which signals the end of an era for me, I’ve spent many a night poking my nose around this place while staying clear of some cheekily placed cameras.

The explore

I have been into this site many times since first discovering it and have had the pleasure of seeing lots of changes within the taller of the two buildings, Inc glazing wiring etc. Its close proximity to the DLR and Thames barrier mean that the views are nice with not too many nosey folk that have a habit of making life more difficult.

With access to the site remaining discrete (best way in my opinion) it was the constantly changing way of accessing the main building that kept me on my toes. Noisy scaff coupled with strategically placed cameras always made the first few minutes tense. Once in the building it was all bog standard building site; stairs, roof, crane etc.

One side has a great view of the Millennium Mills and City airport while the other nets you a landscape including the flood barrier and the O2. It’s been a great place to chill and enjoy the city at its best.

The top of the crane just below the jib has been lit up like a Christmas tree on several occasions making a quickly climbing the last few ladders pretty important since the thing is in plain view of the DLR trains.

I was more interested in climbing the crane than anything else and often left my bag with tripod at the bottom, hence lack of pics from up high. Next door enjoys better views in my opinion and a report on it will follow soon. In the meantime I need to start exploring some derps and gas holders to add some variety, Cranes are always a good climb but these building sites are getting a little samey.


1. The Mills


2. View of the second larger building from the roof of the first.


3. Plans are always helpful when new to a site :)

View attachment 639377

4. Looking towards City airport


5. Jib had to be done


6. It's not often you look down and see another jib below


7. About half way and I could see the end swinging in the wind.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Good to see someone else actually give this a go, it's only small but not a bad view over MM


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I've been playing in this area loads recently. I must have been in this site and the one next door at least ten times. I'll report on next door soon as those pics have turned out better than these. This was a decent little site though, perfect for a nights view of East London.

Have you been in next door Gabe?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member

i only really wanted to get a view over MM to be honest, but back when i did the crane in december the other cranes next door had not been set yet. And i can't really see the point going back to the site next door, can't really see it being worth the trip, same view give or take 50ft west and 20ft up.

to be honest i think i also preferred the view from the top of D Silo anyway in regards to peering over the MM


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Great pic! This was the first crane I did that had one of those small cages by the hook.

You're right regarding it not being worth it because the views are similar albeit with next door having a slightly better panorama of the river inc the barrier and the O2. Finding keen security at MM is what sent me up these in the first place.



Struggled to get good pics due to the wind.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Security has been a bit of a joke there im recent years though. Ive been in a lot and never had any problems, it's local to me so ive taken various girls in there over the years.

Last time couple of months back, we only went to catch sunset, silly Ojay got spotted peering over the roof and got a helicopter to come out and we still avoided security with his dogs.

But there was literally not a thing left in there back then, it's been stripped very quickly, they even swept the floors


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
bloody nice one distra. can see your passionate about cranes..... and thats all good.
lovin pics 4 and 5


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
When I first visited this area the presence of security was quite a disappointment and it was clear from the scaff that the MM was going for ever. Damn shame but I was too late for this one and from recent reccing around a certain four stack power station It appears that I'm too late to that party too (might still be possible though).

Both are such impressive buildings from the outside that they beg you to go in for a look around and get to the top.

I bet the arrival of a hoverbird was most unwelcome, haven't they got real crims to send it after?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Apologies, photobucket wasn't copying links correctly so some of the pics aren't right. Here are the correct ones:


1. The barrier from next door


2. This was supposed to be pic 4 in my report


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Cool stuff Distra, looks like fun :thumb I love that shot of the jib looming over the horizon


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Thanks for the kind comments guys. I hope to put some more reports up asap (work permitting) and there are many interesting looking sites to rec in the centre of London atm.