I’d been denied once in the past, I could never be bothered returning but I’m glad I did. The usual skate attire proved no problems this time, we rode the lift to the restaurant and we were stuck like caged animals.
We continued into the sky, the roof was accessible even with two 40” longboards.
If you stand at the very top like ourselves you have 459ft between you and the floor, not one to fall off really.
If you sit on the window washing crane you can see all of the Liverpool greats – Liver Building, the Anglican Cathedral, the Cathedral of Christ the King/Paddy's Wigwam, Port of Liverpool Building, Cunard Building, Radio City Tower, Town Hall, the Council gaff. If you look further Cammell Laird the shipbuilders can be seen along with Fiddlers Ferry, Silver Jubilee Bridge, Beetham Tower Manchester and the wind turbines over on the coast of North Wales.
Also known as Beetham West Tower & The Bullet and cost £35million to build.
It was completed in 2008 with a couple of other explorers climbing it’s tower crane.
Used both residentially and commercially it has 40 floors and 127 flats.
Massive thanks to OneByOne for still doing this sh*t and my girlfriend for opening the front door for us at 4am, Peace.
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