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Report - - Benacre Water Tower, Suffolk (April 2021) | Industrial Sites |

Report - Benacre Water Tower, Suffolk (April 2021)

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28DL Regular User
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I've got a soft spot for Victorian-style architecture, so I was keen to check out this local water tower. I originally thought I didn’t have any internal shots of this, but I found some rare photos on my phone that I took, so I put them through Lightroom and thought I’d write a report, albeit around a year and a half after my visit.

History & Information
The water tower served the vast Benacre estate which consists of a Grade II listed country house and a large chunk of land with it.

According to an online blog post dating back to 2009, a few years after the tower was built in 1902 it housed a family who lived on the middle floor between the main pump room and the water tank. It’s not known how long it was lived in but the source suggests that a member of said family moved to New Zealand in 1910 so it may have only been short-term. There’s little structural/internal evidence of this so I’m not entirely sure what to make of it.

Here is a photo of the apparent family who lived in the tower: (Source: British Water Tower Appreciation Society)

The tower starting from the ground floor consists of the main pump room with a lovely spiral staircase leading to the first floor which is mainly an empty room and would have been the area in which the family would have been living. Further up is a large tank filled with stagnant water. More stairs lead further up the building and eventually to the roof which accommodates some active telecommunications masts, thus power is still running to the building.

The Explore
It was a very chilled out explore, there was no one around and there was a public footpath nearby. I would like to mention that I returned to this tower a few months later and it is now sealed with a CCTV camera. This is one of the best places I have ever been and I didn’t even appreciate it properly back then. I’d love to go back in with the camera, as I was just using my phone at the time. Although I’m sad that it’s now sealed I really hope they continue to keep a close eye on it as I’d hate to see this place get ruined by the undesirables.

Onto the photos:














28DL Regular User
Regular User
is this still around as i felt like ive passed it recently
Still very much standing, it is sealed though as mentioned in the report.

I'm absolutely gutted it's now sealed, all my photos were dire from here, they came out well for you tho
Yep, it would have been great with the camera. I'm surprised with how well mine came out, considering the lighting in some of the areas inside.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nice shots there. Had this on my radar for a while. Guess I missed the boat on this 1 if there is a cctv camera on it now


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Nice shots there. Had this on my radar for a while. Guess I missed the boat on this 1 if there is a cctv camera on it now
Thank you mate. Yeah it's a shame, probably for the better, to be honest though I will probably have a wander up there soon as I'm local and it's pretty much public so I'll see if the situation is the same. If I do go, I'll give you an update!


28DL Regular User
Regular User
You captured that really well on your phone. It was a beautiful place. We got there at the crack of dawn and spent several hours inside.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
You captured that really well on your phone. It was a beautiful place. We got there at the crack of dawn and spent several hours inside.
Cheers Mikey! Yep definitely in my Top 3 explores I'd say. I think if me and Jake revisited with the camera we'd definitely spend a good 3-4 hours inside to be honest, as we were only using phones we weren't in there all that long.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
A beauty of a place. Id love to see this as a home. Those stairs are just fab. The architecture is beautiful