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Report - - Box Mine (A while ago) - Wiltshire - March 2017 | Mines and Quarries |

Report - Box Mine (A while ago) - Wiltshire - March 2017


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Well, here's my second trip report. Again, It's a while since this trip , but I've had most of a year off following a knee injury. Surgery complete, recovery & rehabilitation seems to be progressing well enough. I'm keen to get more stuff done with like-minded folx.

Box Mine! What more needs to be said. Large, flat, confusing in parts, confounding in others (red door area). Sometimes so damaged by traffic and yet in others, left with tools in place like the masons will return for their next shift. What a shame we've lost it following daft reports of rescues of Bear Gyrlls idolising numpties trawling around with a mobile phone for a light and a kitchen colander for a helmet.

A few shots from my archive. Many more if people show interest.

A fine stone arch.

Another fine stone arch. More thought w.r.t. lighting it.

The 'Old Iron Door'

Old Miner's Graffiti. Thunder.

Old Miner's Graffiti. A representation of Box Tunnel.

Block Hooks left resting against stacked deads.

Crane Country - A crane, ready to lift a block.

Crane Country - Another crane.

Crane Country. Another crane. It is after all, the right place to find cranes.

The Brick Robots. A Family Scene, the robots are enjoying a warm at the fire. Every time I went to Box, the Brick Robots were arranged differently.