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Report - - BP Garage & Little Chef - Tadcaster - Sept 2019 | Leisure Sites |

Report - BP Garage & Little Chef - Tadcaster - Sept 2019

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28DL Full Member
Not much history on these two.
fire damage seemed to have caused the closure of the little chef but it is not know what happened to the garage/ car wash station.
both buildings now sit abandoned on their own road which is being taken over by plant life.













Staff member
One of the poor Little Chefs that didn't become a Starbucks or similar! Derp tastic that :D


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Is this just past the old derelict farm on the road into Tadcaster driven past it many times and figured it looked a bit of a wreck so didnt bother. Thanks for posting and saving me the effort of having a wander.


Amateur and proud
28DL Full Member
Is this just past the old derelict farm on the road into Tadcaster driven past it many times and figured it looked a bit of a wreck so didnt bother. Thanks for posting and saving me the effort of having a wander.

Aye, that's the one. Not too far from the old orphanage either. To be fair, the best thing about this place for me was the parody 'SICA' graf on the front of the BP. Not the greatest work by any stretch but certainly not without its charm either.


General Nuisance
28DL Full Member
Nature's really reclaiming this one, love that. Weird as it sounds, on a really nice day this looks like a good place to just sit and chill out and watch the world go by!


Putting the fun in dysfunctional
Regular User
Interesting how times change. This was one of my first ever explores. I submitted a report of this about 6/7 years ago when all new posts were moderated. It was rejected as not deemed worthy enough, something along the lines of 'some shitty service station' was mentioned. Even though it was in better shape back then. The moral of the story? I'm glad that negativity didn't put me off exploring.


General Nuisance
28DL Full Member
Interesting how times change. This was one of my first ever explores. I submitted a report of this about 6/7 years ago when all new posts were moderated. It was rejected as not deemed worthy enough, something along the lines of 'some shitty service station' was mentioned. Even though it was in better shape back then. The moral of the story? I'm glad that negativity didn't put me off exploring.
Yeah, there's definitely a lot of 'elitism' around, which is annoying, but I'm just here to look at pictures of old buildings and have a place to put mine.

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