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Bradgate Stables (March 2021) | Other Sites |

Bradgate Stables (March 2021)

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28DL Member
28DL Member
Hey guys, first post here not sure if I’m doing this right but... you live and you learn.
I’ve seen a few people have been to this location before, wanted to give an update to how it’s doing in 2021. This place was used as the stables for Bradgate house and I believe they were built way back in the 1850’s. The original Bradgate house was demolished in the 1920’s but there were plans in 1992 to rescue these grade II listed stables. So far, nothing has come to fruition. As you can see most of it has fallen to ruin, but much of the structure and some staircases remain in tact, extra care to be taken when inside and moving around. The stables look incredible from the front, unfortunately on the day we went there were people working in the field and it was just too bait to get out front and get a picture. It’s well worth taking a look though!
Its a little bait to get to, having to cut through private woods where there is a huge pheasant enclosure to get there. Not sure explorers would be welcomed with open arms. However, it’s a wonderful piece of Leicestershire’s history, so was happy to get there and document how it’s holding up in 2021. View attachment 902096
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28DL Member
28DL Member
Say they’re uploaded but not showing, sorry completely new to the site, any advice how to get them uploaded properly?


28DL Member
28DL Member
Just looked into this place and they weren’t quite the stables I was expecting!! Here’s me thinking some little, crumbling brick stable block in the middle of the woods would show up… glad I was wrong haha! Such a shame that it hasn’t been saved yet, fingers crossed it’ll be able to hold up a little while longer until then.

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