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Report - Branksome gas holder - Poole

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This is my first post so please don't shred it the moment something is wrong

Late 2017 I got the courage to try and climb the gas holder. It was the first time I tried any climbing or exploring and all in all pretty happy with how it went.

I set my alarm in the morning aiming for a sunrise mission and got there in good time whilst it was still dark. After waiting for a gap in the traffic I hopped over the first concrete fence (about shoulder height so not to hard) I was then greeted with a much more substantial metal spiked fence however I found a tree, climbed it and then managed to throw myself over the fence.

Once in I made my way around to where the ladder was to climb up. Unlike other climbs which I have watch videos of, this ladder was a single ladder going straight up which was slightly disconcerting however it was not going to put me off. I made my way up to the top rather well and sat at the top admiring the view for about 40 minutes and trying different camera modes on my phone.

At the end of this time I realised it was bright daylight and sticking out like a sore thumb so a scrambled down, found a wood pallette to get myself over the fence ran across the next fence, jumped over it and biked home ready for college

I am definitely going to try this again hoping for some picture of the sunrise and may to explore a little more as there is another smaller gas holder on site next to it


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This is my neck of the woods....

Brave man, that looks seriously high. And before college too. :-)
Not gunna lie it's definitely worth it if you get a chance as long as you trust yourself with the leader, entry and escape isn't too hard and as long as you do it at the right time there is next to no chance of being seen i reckon. I would say the hardest bit is waiting for a gap in the traffic to get over the first wall


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Not gunna lie it's definitely worth it if you get a chance as long as you trust yourself with the leader, entry and escape isn't too hard and as long as you do it at the right time there is next to no chance of being seen i reckon. I would say the hardest bit is waiting for a gap in the traffic to get over the first wall
The hardest part for me would be getting off the ground as I hate heights!!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Ballsy!!! Great pics from a great height! I drive past this every day and it's bloody high, take care on that road though someone was hit and killed here last week.


Xexxa the red