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Report - - Brockman Family Centre, Folkestone - Sept 2018 | Asylums and Hospitals |

Report - Brockman Family Centre, Folkestone - Sept 2018

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Not too much to tell about with this place.
Brockman house and Haven house is a former Kent county council building, last used by social services as a facility for children and their parents, known as the brockman center.
The buildings have remained vacant since the withdrawal of funding in 2009/10.
Other than in 2005 when a 57 year old got acquitted in court of behaving in a sexual way with a young girl in his care, there's not much to find out about this place. And that is currently up for sale with potential for up to 26 houses to be built on it... Providing they can get rid of the pikeys that quite often move in on the car park.
Google image of the exterior,


The explore:
After quite a few early morning trips working the best point of entry, myself and @starlight went back and got straight through a window into a small toilet room and then into a corridor with peely paint a plenty! We then went ahead and took just a few photos each and when I got to the main reception area (the best room in the place), I obviously tripped an alarm and all hell broke loose.... Screaming alarms and a mad dash to find each other and get out quickly haha. Only managed to get a handful of pics mixed between camera and phone shots. We did however have to return to collect stuff we had left behind in our panic of getting out the first time, setting off the alarm a second time!

I did return a couple of days later to retrieve anything else we may have left, only to discover that the window we used was fully repaired.
Here's the few photos I took, nothing epic by any means but certainly something a bit different and I don't think documented,









And the pic of our entry point just a couple of days later...

Anyway, that's pretty much it. Nothing mind-blowing as I said but something different.

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A fellow of infinite jest
28DL Full Member
Not seen this before. Sounds like a fun evening
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28DL Member
28DL Member
Yo this is crazy!! I was adopted at 2 and once a year I would meet with my birth grandparents here. It’s mad seeing the wallpaper and kitchens I remember playing in them and meeting them.

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