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Report - Buchanan Castle - Stirlingshire, Scotland- September 2019

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Buchanan Castle is a ruined castle/country house located, strangely, in the middle of a housing estate.

It was built as a replacement of the Buchanan Auld House between 1852-1858 after an unfortunate fire. It was then used as a home for the Montrose family until 1925. In the 1930's, the house was then opened as a hotel/golf course, with further plans being put off by the outbreak of WW2. The house was requisitioned, being used as a hospital during the war. One of its most famous patients was Rudolf Hess after he experienced issues with his plane causing him having to use his parachute to land. He was then arrested near Glasgow, and brought to Buchanan Castle for medical treatment.

in 2002-2004 proposals were put forwards to redevelop the building into flats, but all proposals were rejected. This is now a Category B listed building, and is on the At Risk register.

The exterior of the house is in relatively good condition, but inside the ground is caving in and you had to double check every step you take. Nature has taken over the inside, and the contrast of the dark, damp walls to the moss is strangely beautiful. The corner towers still stand, and if you are brave enough you could probably go up there. My partner got about half way up but then didn't trust the stairs the rest of the way.

It was eerily quiet whilst we were exploring despite there being families living around the area. It is hard to describe how bizarre the location of this building is, but it is definitely worth the visit.










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