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Report - - Burton-upon-Trent Magistrates' Court - May 2019 | Other Sites |

Report - Burton-upon-Trent Magistrates' Court - May 2019

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Staff member
This place has been of interest to me for the past few years, and after many a recce, it finally let us in.
Our plan here was to just get in whilst it was dark, have a look around, check for alarms, etc and then come back nice and early for some daylight photos (which would have helped these shots, a lot!). This wasn't the case, however, because as our quick 'UE moochabout' had ended, and as we'd just shut our window behind us, two coppers came legging it around the corner (the court is connected to the still live police station and internally too).
Then, a few more officers arrived, then more, and so on..

We were cuffed, questioned, searched, and as usual, nothing else happened. Still, we got away with a small set of photos each.

The court was opened in 1910, and was the second court in Burton, after the Crown Court just a couple of streets away.

Here's my report if you're interested, visited on the same month two years ago, actually! -
Report - - County Court, Burton Upon Trent, May 2017. | Other Sites

The court officially ceased operations in September of 2016.

Visited with @AndyK

Court 1 -



Court 2, last used as some sort of meeting room or office -


Lovely entrance hall -


Moving onto the modern extension -

When we were collared outside, the police said that there had been a report of a burglary..
Looking back at these photos, I do wonder if it was this very taxi driver out front in this shot who made the call.. :D
Though the building is also full of cameras, all with infrared capabilities, all running and working fine, so who knows. When we saw them at first we just decided to press on, and decided that it was probably fine.



And a proper shit modern courtroom -


No cells this time - we had intended to come back in the light, as the door at the back of the cells naturally backs onto the police station yard next door, and has a huge window on it, so didn't risk switching the lights on. Looking back on it though, it probably wouldn't have mattered given what happened later!

Cheers :thumb
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