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Video - - Byone pub's - The Old Sodality Club - Leigh Lancashire - Feb - 2018 | Urban Exploring Videos |

Video - Byone pub's - The Old Sodality Club - Leigh Lancashire - Feb - 2018

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The Old Sodality Club #Leigh Lanc's

This video is the first of my new series #bygonepubs where Il be documenting the steady decline of these wonderful gathering holes as the corporations' franchises and chains etc increase their stamp on society.

I've had wonderful feedback from many people since posting this video on "cough cough" Facebook, who've told me many wonderful stories about the place before it was lost to economic decline thank's to the powers that be.

I believe the place closed in 2010 ish and was once a popular watering hole for many a denizen. From parties to football to darts and karaoke the place once bustled with the familiar tone's of friendship and alcoholism "Swigs his Guinness".
You can almost hear the faint echoes of the past in places like these so I'd like to share my documentation of the place in a video format as I did not get many pics.

Thanks for any feedback guys.


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