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Report - - Cambridge Military Hospital, Aldershot - March 2020 | Asylums and Hospitals |

Report - Cambridge Military Hospital, Aldershot - March 2020

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South Wales
28DL Full Member
Pretty sure we all know this one so I’ll keep it brief but I still wanted to post it :)

History - Cambridge Military Hospital was a hospital in Aldershot Garrison, Hampshire, England which served the various British Army camps there. It was active between 1876-1996.

Explore - Access was relatively simple, we’d heard that there was security on site so we were cautious and there was obvious work of builders being there but due too it being the weekend before lockdown was announced we didn’t see a single person there and got in with no issues. Access to the main building was simple and I believe there is access to the clock tower but it looked to be alarmed so we didn’t try and go in. There’s cameras on site but whether they actually work is unknown, and the security hut had been completely smashed up so it’s possible security haven’t been around for a while. All in all it was a great explore, we did bump into some other people explorers inside but had no problems with them.






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