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Report - - Cambridge Military Hosptial, Aldershot - July 2020 | Asylums and Hospitals |

Report - Cambridge Military Hosptial, Aldershot - July 2020

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28DL Member
28DL Member
I’ve been interested in exploring for a while now but only recently started giving it a proper go - getting a decent camera helped too! Hope this report is ok, will be the first of many

After many many failed attempts I thought I’d never get into this place but as building works continue I just had to give it another shot and was in luck!
Unfortunately most of the building had been gutted out but the original architecture still remained. Unfortunately we couldn’t gain access to the clock tower as this was completely closed off! That particular part of the building was lit up with portable lights so we creeped around quietly thinking there might’ve still been workers there... thankfully not! Some parts were ready for demolition but the main building (which I believe is listed) is currently being renovated into luxury accommodation in a 60m redevelopment.

The hospital was opened in 1879 and was shut in 1996. It was the first hospital to take on casualties from the Western Front during World War I and also the first hospital to perform plastic surgery within the British colonised countries - doubt there was much in the way of anesthetic back then, ouch!

Can’t tell you how happy I was to finally explore this place. I remember seeing the old pictures from this place which partly ignited my love for urban exploring. One of which was the infamous bleeding doors! Unfortunately they had been removed! (or perhaps we just couldn’t find it!)




















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Staff member
Amazed they've not done anything with this yet. The bleeding doors are in the maternity ward which is a separate building. I think I saw them in a recent report so they should still be there. Always good to see this pop up


28DL Member
28DL Member
Amazed they've not done anything with this yet. The bleeding doors are in the maternity ward which is a separate building. I think I saw them in a recent report so they should still be there. Always good to see this pop up
I was in the area so thought I’d have another check and was amazed it was still there! Someone pointed out where the building was to me on a map but another said it had been demolished. As you say if it’s in a recent report it must still be there!


Staff member
Ok it was back in March so not as recent as I thought. Tempted to go for a look myself as I missed this part years ago



grumpy sod
Regular User
The building and the doors are still there, nothing has been done to the building at all - some friends of mine went a few weeks ago and it's still the same as its always been.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Nice report. I really expected to see those bloody doors, it always bugs me, why we cant find the film they were in lol. Good stuff though :thumb


28DL Member
28DL Member
Nice report there was rumours that the doors are now gone however
Been this weekend with a mate doors are still there they have started work on some of the rooms after the bleeding doors, I fear not before long it will be changed completely, I urge to go soon rather than later


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Are you guys using a different entrance to the side door on the out building? When we went there were two police cars parked up down the side road, adjacent to the hospital.
We waited a while but they didn’t budge so we left it- wasted journey. Couldn’t find any other way in without being spotted. Infuriating.

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Been this weekend with a mate doors are still there they have started work on some of the rooms after the bleeding doors, I fear not before long it will be changed completely, I urge to go soon rather than later

I thought the maternity block was due for demolition but may be wrong?

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