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Question - Camera £100 budget (2nd hand is fine)

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Lord Oort

Fear is the little death
Regular User
Had a quick search but didnt find anything particularly recent so here goes.

After my first proper mooch I realise my camera is really not up to the job. I have a Casio Exilim which does OK but its a bit fiddly to say the least. I have a budget of about £100 and am quite happy to go down the 2nd hand route. Can you guys recommend something not huge that will allow me to take shots a bit easier than the Exilim?


Oxygen Thief

Staff member
Good idea about the 350D.

The cheapest I could find on Ebay (buy It Now)as a kit is £110, including two batteries and a decent bag...

Next decent one with a black body is £130...

To buy the body and lens separately the cheapest was £118 (Ebay Buy It Now)...

Body £75

Lens £42.99

Lord Oort

Fear is the little death
Regular User
Fantastic! I was looking at a 350D but I will definitely check out the powershot range.

thanks guys :thumb

edit: Gone for the £110 350D should arrive in a few days, thanks again.
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Oxygen Thief

Staff member
Fantastic! I was looking at a 350D but I will definitely check out the powershot range.

thanks guys :thumb

edit: Gone for the £110 350D should arrive in a few days, thanks again.

Nice one. Next thing is get out there in the dark and practice !

Feel free to ask for advice.

Lord Oort

Fear is the little death
Regular User
Cheers and ta for the heads up!

Just reading through some basic operation guides for DSLR's at the mo, I'm sure I'll be back with questions soon enough.

Lord Oort

Fear is the little death
Regular User
Not great as I didn't have time to get my camera bag from the car in the end so had to rely on my Note 2 which was pretty much useless.

Lord Oort

Fear is the little death
Regular User
Ahh thanks man! I actually upgraded to a 650D about a month ago though, as I got a really good deal.

Miss Drippy

28DL Full Member
Well ark at you; two cameras in only a few months. ;) We'll have to head up your way and check some stuff out.