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Report - Car Chapel, Sheffield : December 2021

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Car Chapel, Sheffield.
While on a road trip from Norfolk to Sheffield, me and my mate @dangas1000 made a stop off to this lovely little chapel which is full of old car parts, with several vehicles in the grounds.
I initially saw it on a news article after a certain 'explorer' sold out to the media scum. I never imagined there was going to be an entry point and I was prepared to just see it from the outside. The main door had been freshly secured shut, but luckily there was a tiny open window about 8 feet up with a handy ladder placed nearby, After a very tight squeeze, we were in! The first thing to greet me were the beautiful stained-glass windows. Happily, they were mostly intact and looked fantastic.
The Building was full of various car parts, most of which are very sought after and collectors are probably searching high and low for. There was also plenty of wood / building supplies, some of the wood looked fairly new, so unsure if a neighbour is using it for storage etc…

I couldn't find much on this place, The Chapel itself dates back to roughly 1890, with it being used as a Sunday school, and the base for various local sports teams over the years. Around the mid 90s it was sold to a local man who used the building as storage for his small collection of vehicles. Included were 3 Standard Vanguards dating from around 1955, a Mk1 Ford Cortina Estate from 1965, a 1951 Massey Ferguson, and 2 other tractors I couldn't identify.

I absolutely loved this place, and I'm very glad I managed to tick it off the list. We were in the area to see something else and only visited this on the off chance of getting in the grounds of it. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the photos, it was the first time I used my new lense so I was happy with how they came out.



















grumpy sod
Regular User
The owner lives in the house next door and has another Standard Vanguard on his driveway, did you do the big old barns and farm buildings on the other side of the road? There's more cars and stuff in there.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
The owner lives in the house next door and has another Standard Vanguard on his driveway, did you do the big old barns and farm buildings on the other side of the road? There's more cars and stuff in there.
I did notice the other one next door and wondered if it was linked.
Yeah done the little garage place over the road, that was pretty smart also.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Small place but really lovely and a rare combination of a small religious building and rusting old cars.

Great set of pictures


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Small place but really lovely and a rare combination of a small religious building and rusting old cars.

Great set of pictures
It's probably up there with one of my favourites, not sure why, just something about it! Thanks.

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