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Report - - carbrook old outfall, sheffield , 7.7.19 | UK Draining Forum |

Report - carbrook old outfall, sheffield , 7.7.19

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Got down to the outfall before 8.00am on sunday morning nice 4 brick thick arches there used to be a railway line above thats now gone maybee thats why the arches are so thick DSCN0788.JPG we went down the left archway as the other one was a mud bath
the first part of it was brickwork very old and grimy
looking back to the outfall the pipe bends to the left here the floor became more solid here as we finally got out of the mud bad news was the ceiling height narrowed as it changed to rcp
strange thing was the rcp pipes have been inserted in to the brick lined tunnel the lump ahead on the floor is were they have core drilled out for road gulleys and not cleaned up after ! your never more than a meter underground think we were under weedon street
we did get quite a bit further than this but there were no features and no end in sight it was a stoop from the start and not a clean drain a lot of effort for very little gain not one to recommend that said would love to know were it goes ? thanks for watching :thumb
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Regular User
Good effort again. Me and @Esoteric Eric went here and got a certain distance. Went again with @tallginge and got quite a bit further but like you say it was totally unrewarding and backbreaking RCP. It’s a confusing one too, given that it used to be the outfall according to the old maps but isn’t any longer. Lots of big fish tho, before the RCP - even though they seem to be living in oil polluted sedentary water.


more tall than ginger tho.....
Regular User
Nice one lads :thumb I'd love to know where the right hand outfall of the pair comes from. As you say it's a mud bath but might be a squeezable mudbath :D Should at least be able to compare its course with the adjacent one if it does just stop at something a short distance in but who knows....


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Nice one lads :thumb I'd love to know where the right hand outfall of the pair comes from. As you say it's a mud bath but might be a squeezable mudbath :D Should at least be able to compare its course with the adjacent one if it does just stop at something a short distance in but who knows....
thanks in a lot of ways this explore has thrown up more questions than answers like tarky said its confusing looking down the other tunnel it bent to the left just like the first tunnel im guessing with the limited amount of overhead cover they opted for 2 smaller tunnels side by side walking above ground the manhole covers seem to be in pairs but i could be totally wrong here , maybee 1 of the tunnels connects up with the nice and steady drain ?


more tall than ginger tho.....
Regular User
If it does you'd be unlikely to want to walk it to find out. There's still 'a few loose ends' with that one, though, so it might connect up with it


28DL Wood Burner
28DL Full Member
Well done for even attempting this! I remember years ago when I did it with @Kaplan back in 2012 we were expecting so much more from it, but we trudged through the silt at the outfall and the place stank of diesel. After all the perseverance you are rewarded with a tiny RCP that heads off into the distance. Maybe one for another custom built drain cart? :D


28DL Regular User
Regular User
A week later and decided to have another crack at this one ( dont like leaving them half done ) returning to the same left hand tunnel at the outflow this time on my own i set off at 7.00 am going past the point were we called it a day last week there was a small diameter pipe that looked like it might link up with the other tunnel but shinning my torch down it looked like a large manhole
moving on down the featureless rcp with the sound of vehicles clanking the manhole covers i heard the sound of running water
a bit further on the rcp stopped and i was rewarded at last by an old brick section
you can see the old stone work at the bottom the large arch spilt in to 2 only to link back up again
really old grimy manhole like spider city this drain ! we then returned to rcp pipe
this stuff was soft like liquid rust , not quite the drains cart but this moving dolly ( 24.99 of amazon ) was a help as the pipe is to low for you to have your back pack on
and back to old brickwork again lots of plant roots hanging down here
and back to rcp again this was newish rcp very clean unlike the start of the drain ! this went on for some time before the last bit went back to brick work yet again
the drain end it had taken 55 mins to get hear it reduces here to 2 feet diameter pipe
was only about 10 foot long there was a board covering the end of the pipe i did crawl up and give it a shove but it wasnt moving could hear running water on the other side was really hoping it would link up with the nice and steady drain it may have at some time theres no way of knowing
this was taken on the way back were the big arch splits in to 2 my back had had enough by now and so had i it was tuff crawl and the air is not fresh was very hot as well . No sign of the right hand outfall during the duration of the explore thanks for watching


Regular User
Flipping ‘eck, nice one on the persistence here. At least there was a bit of brick when you pushed on but a shame it finished with the crudely adapted 2ft now. Would be good to have some GPS coordinates from the lids to match up with the other drains. Not suggesting that you go back in the get them, mind you! ;-)


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Flipping ‘eck, nice one on the persistence here. At least there was a bit of brick when you pushed on but a shame it finished with the crudely adapted 2ft now. Would be good to have some GPS coordinates from the lids to match up with the other drains. Not suggesting that you go back in the get them, mind you! ;-)
couldnt get any signal down there on my phone seeing as in places its less than a meter deep was a bit disappointing its a odd mix this drain of old and new cant understand why they would drop the diameter down on the last 10 feet then board it over gps coordinates here would be a godsend


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Holy Balls! I think you just took the drain king perseverance award from @tarkovsky with that. I wonder if the right hand tunnel does the same thing or if it connects up to that penstock in Car Brook?
Ha ha thanks wb guess we're gunna have to check it out lol


more tall than ginger tho.....
Regular User
Holy Balls! I think you just took the drain king perseverance award from @tarkovsky with that. I wonder if the right hand tunnel does the same thing or if it connects up to that penstock in Car Brook?

That is most definitely the question. I don't think it'll connect up with whatever's behind the penstock but it might connect up with Carrbrook elsewhere. Took this looking rightwards out from the end of nice n steady. Same side of culvert as nearby penstock is.


Right pipe may also have been an overflow from the sewer at some point but doesn't look like it's seen much action, not recently anyway

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