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Carmel College - Oxfordshire - June 2018

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Carmel College was a predominantly Jewish co-educational boarding school in England operating between 1948 and 1997. It was first situated at Greenham Common near Newbury and then at Mongewell Park near Wallingford, Oxfordshire. It was one of Europe's only 2 Jewish boarding schools, the other being in Gateshead. It also had a very small number of pupils who were not of Jewish descent, as day pupils.
Typical boarding fees in 1996 were £10,000 per school term (i.e. £30,000 per year). The school practised a mainstream Orthodox Judaism, more Orthodox than the practice of most of the pupils' families. The aim was to turn out young international students who were authentically both secular and had an appreciation of religion.

---- The Explore ----

We came here after doing another explore in Oxfordshire (Spring Hotel). The entrance to this place was pretty straight forward as the locals are allowed to go for walks on the property. We managed to get into two of the many buildings as the others were very sealed. One of which was what seemed to be old science labs and the other housed the old gymnasium and swimming pool.

As we walked through the grounds we stumbled upon an old, grand looking building, we headed round the back of it which unfortunately was where the groundskeeper must have been living. After scurrying off thinking we had got away he had followed us in his van and unfortunately we were asked to leave.

Thanks for reading :)














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A fellow of infinite jest
28DL Full Member
Shame you couldn't get in to all of it. Still a decent report though. All those bottles of chemicals still sitting there is surprising given the state of the rest!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Planning a little trip here and to some other sites in the oxfordshire area soon.... am i going to need armour? lol


Went here about 18 months ago and asked the groundskeeper if I could go around and take photos. He was fine with it and we had a good chat... which somehow got around to his chickens of all things (used to have rare breeds of hens myself). I can see why he goes loopy when people go there because he lives there and a few weeks before I went there he caught a load of chavs trying to set fire to the place!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Went here about 18 months ago and asked the groundskeeper if I could go around and take photos. He was fine with it and we had a good chat... which somehow got around to his chickens of all things (used to have rare breeds of hens myself). I can see why he goes loopy when people go there because he lives there and a few weeks before I went there he caught a load of chavs trying to set fire to the place!
Always some idiots who have to ruin it for everyone else unfortunately! :(


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Went here about 18 months ago and asked the groundskeeper if I could go around and take photos. He was fine with it and we had a good chat... which somehow got around to his chickens of all things (used to have rare breeds of hens myself). I can see why he goes loopy when people go there because he lives there and a few weeks before I went there he caught a load of chavs trying to set fire to the place!
Can’t blame him in that case! Always people that have to ruin it for others! Sure we’d all agree if some fucker was setting fires around our own place we wouldn’t be too happy either!!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Christ the amount of chemicals left there to rot is astounding! Cracking shots here, nice report. I wonder if the grounds keeper would be willing to play ball if we just went and asked him like Exploring With Dragon said? I used to own hens too but no rare breeds sadly. My one bargaining chip is moot....

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