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Report - - Charter Place, London. October 2015 | High Stuff |

Report - Charter Place, London. October 2015

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28DL Member
28DL Member
First post so bear with me haha

The Site
Charter Place, Uxbridge, West London was the former GB and European Headquarters for Coca-Cola Enterprises. It is currently being put through a multi-million pound redevelopment creating more office spaces, completion due late 2016.

The Climb
For my first, I felt safer keeping it local. I pass this almost everyday on my way to the gym. I put off this climb for several months, mainly because I was't sure I was serious about doing it, but what started out as a joke with a friend turned into a desire to actually climb the thing. So one night at around 1am I decided to bite the bullet and go for my first climb, solo - just me, my camera and my tripod.

The climb was fairly straightforward, and lot easier than I had anticipated (I don't expect every climb to be so simple, but it was a good start). The are was quiet but for a few bars playing the football highlights.

Despite the relative ease of the climb I could definitely feel the adrenaline, I can understand why you guys do this stuff. The views at the top were great and the atmosphere at the top was something I don't think I have ever experienced, you could hear and see most of what was happening and yet it was very serene. I did however bottle it when it came to the crane though, maybe one day haha.

Hopefully these images do it justice (if they upload properly)

Thanks :D





Staff member
I know what you mean about the adrenaline rush you get. When I did my first crane back in 2011, the rush was absolutely insane despite the fact that the crane was not very high at all and was incredibly easy! It's all about your first time :D

Good effort mate.